
John Boadu Shortchanged Subin NPP

Press Briefing On Subin Parliamentary Outcome –the Position Of Opinion Leaders On The Fate Of Frank Kwadwo Duodu, 11th June,2020.
By Delegates and Opinion Leaders of Subin Constitency
Press Statement John Boadu Shortchanged Subin NPP

The ideological beliefs’ of the Danquah-Busia-Dombo tradition hinges on the democratic selection process of leadership and its general application including parliamentary candidates.

One of the many past stalwarts that the tradition has benefitted and been proud of is Dr. Joseph Kwame kweretwie Boakye Danquah affectionately called JB, whom the Watson Commission described in 1948 as “The Doyen of Ghana Politics”. He supported and fought all his life to ensuring that those principles were uphold at all times. The key role of his soul stood against suppression of individuals, dictatorial tendencies, and lack of openness of leadership. It is on the basis of this finest ideology and principles that encouraged and motivated us to opt for becoming members of NPP since the 4th republic of the constitution.

Friends of the Press,

The good people of Subin have contributed immensely to consolidate those virtues. In fact, Subin constituency has been committed and loyal to the success story of NPP. We have served the New Patriotic Party in diverse ways with love, passion, credibility and integrity from 28th July 1992 till date. The sterling contributions by the likes of former MPs and great personalities , S. K BOAFO, Isaac Osei, Agyei Ntow, Mr.Ayisi Boateng etc. readily comes to mind. The tradition of the party points out that individuals must not be taken for granted but included in the process of rule of law, true democracy and the fundamental rights of the people, which we believe the current MPs, including Hon.Eugene Boakye Antwi, have benefited from it.

Ladies and gentlemen of the Press, we have gathered here this morning to brief you on matters relating to Subin parliamentary vetting. Five (5) sons from Subin filed their Nominations to contest as a parliamentary candidates. Three (3) aspirants satisfied the Article 1 of the New Patriotic Party Constitution; Selection of Parliamentary candidates. They were cleared and balloted on by the Ashanti Regional vetting committee chaired by Mr. John Boadu to contest, approved FRANK KWADWO DUODU, J.B. DANQUAH and HON. EUGENE BOAKYE ANTWI. So, all along, the good people of Subin thought that all was set for a smooth conduct of the primaries. Unfortunately, however, news got to us that an appeal process has been initiated by the Constituency Executives against two of the already approved candidates FRANK KWADWO DUODU and J.B. DANQUAH and the said committee whose membership are as followers; Peter Mac Manu as Chairman, Hon. Elizabeth Ohene, Hon. Cecilia Dapaah, Hon. S.K Boafo, Hon. Dr. Addo Kufour, Lawyer Emmanuel Darkwah and Evans Nimako and the committee performed its functions.

When the final list was released by the NEC, it emerged that FRANK KWADWO DUODU’s name has been omitted from the list. No reasons whatsoever was assigned for omitting his name. We do not want to believe the rumors that was rife prior to the final list that some big wigs in the Party had decided to curtail the contesting rights of FRANK KWADWO DUODU on grounds that he is the ONLY one who poses threat to the sitting MP, EUGENE BOAKYE ANTWI. But we never took it serious because such thing has never happened in subin before. The current MP was given free and fair opportunity when he contested and won against the former MP, Hon. Isaac Osei.

Our checks shows that the appeals committee never communicated to Frank Kwadwo Duodu, there has not been any formal communication to him verbally or written on the position of the appeals committee. We are reliably informed further that names submitted to NEC by the appeals and the vetting committee had all the 3 aspirants cleared to contest by NEC.

However, during the Press briefing in Accra by the General Secretary of the party Mr. John Boadu on Monday, June 8th, 2020 on the candidates who have been given green light to contest and the guidelines of the election, he forgetfully left out the name of one candidate, Mr. Frank Kwadwo Duodu. These action has sparked serious dissatisfaction among the polling station executives and the general voters. As a patriotic card bearing members of the party haven’t served from 1996 and in various capacities including but not limited to the following: Young Executive Forum (YEF), Polling Agent upholding the parties name to this level and also contesting at the last 2015 Parliamentary Primaries in the Subin constituency. We cannot sit aloof for the parties’ gains to retain the President to be compromised by few.

We are the grassroots members and for that we understand the terrain and know our people better. It’s in our own small capacity that we have calmed tempers of people pending the response on the error committed.

Our meeting here today is not to dictate to the party leadership but rather request the party leadership headed by the President of the Republic Ghana, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, National Council, the National Executive Committee, and the Election Committee to reconsider the decision taken on the selection process of parliamentary candidates most especially the recent communique by the general secretary of the party Mr. John Boadu ,erroneously omitting the name of FRANK KWADWO DUODU from the approved list .

Subin is waiting to vote on the 3 people that were earlier approved by the vetting committee.

We have keenly observed, assessed and have come to the conclusion that the unfair treatment of one of the candidate must be reversed with immediate effect. We are the grass root members of the party and therefore the situation on the ground is not favorable at all for the growth of the party. It would not be good for the party if fairness does not prevail for the three contestants to compete and whoever emerge as winner will be accepted by the general voting population. If the party wants to maintain the seat and increase its fortune here in Subin, the rule of law and practice of democracy in Development and Freedom should be the order and prevent the “Mafia” hands manipulating Subin Constituency Parliamentary Elections.

Long Live the New Patriotic Party and God Bless our Home Land Ghana.



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