Thu, 20 Jun 2024 Press Release

BYA calls for calm in recent Lassia Tuolu disturbances in Upper-West Region

By Birifor Youth Association (BYA)
President of BYAPresident of BYA

The National Executive Board of the Birifor Youth Association (BYA) is appealing for calm and restraint in Lassia Tuolu, following an outbreak of inter-communal violence between Lassia Tuolu and Kendeu, resulting in the loss of lives of three persons with others critically injured and are receiving medical attention at the regional hospital.

The BYA extends its profound gratitude to the Ghana Police Service and other Security Agencies for their swift intervention without which, many more lives could have been lost.

The Association further reiterates its belief and position on the need to preserve the peace at all times, cognizant of the fact that PEACE is a pre-requisite for any meaningful human endeavours and development. It is against this backdrop that BYA has always buttressed the need for peaceful co-existence and mutual respect among different ethnic groups or tribes.

Furthermore, it is this belief that has always inspired the BYA to impress upon the Birifors to always exercise restraint at all times and to focus on our aspirations of self-determination and development as a people.

The BYA extends its deep condolences to the families of the fallen ones (deceased) in the conflict, while wishing the injured a speedy recovery.

Whilst commending the Security Agencies for the wonderful job they have done so far, we call for in-depth investigation into the matter with a view to achieving a lasting solution to the misunderstanding among the people of Kendeu and Lassia.

There is no gain saying that our district is among the poorest districts in Ghana; and, we cannot afford to trigger violence, which will further worsen the plight of our people.

We are also appealing to the heads of the traditional rulers, especially the Paramount Chief of the Wechiau Traditional Area under whose jurisdiction Kendeu and Lassia Tuolu fall, the Upper West Regional House of Chiefs, the Member of Parliament for Wa West and other stakeholders to immediately intervene to find lasting solutions to the situation.

The BYA appeals to all media houses and other social media handles to report the story with caution, truth, and facts from the ground, avoiding any biases that may fuel tension. Distorting the facts of the story may further exacerbate the peace building process. We are grieving and cannot allow any further losses. We are underscoring the need for peaceful co-existence and reciprocal respect of all in every community. Justice and Peace are the pointers to a rapid socio-economic development everywhere on the globe.

Neormah Nyoon Brew
Birifor Youth Association (BYA)
