
Citizens for Transparency and Accountability Demand for Evidence from Ablakwa Regarding Allegations Against Rock City Hotel

By Citizens for Transparency and Accountability
Press Release Citizens for Transparency and Accountability Demand for Evidence from Ablakwa Regarding Allegations Against Rock City Hotel

We are deeply concerned about the ongoing discourse surrounding RockCity Hotel and Dr. Bryan Acheampong, which has been prominently driven by Hon. Okudzeto Ablakwa in recent news headlines.

Initially, Hon. Ablakwa alleged that shares of SSNIT were sold to RockCity Hotel and implicated Dr. Bryan Acheampong, a member of Parliament and minister in the current government, thereby garnering significant public attention. Hon. Ablakwa has stated that he has petitioned CHRAJ on this matter and is confident that the commission's report will support his claims.

Subsequently, he realizes that his initial petition might lack sufficient merit to support his agenda against Dr. Bryan Acheampong, Hon. Ablakwa organized a demonstration involving some NDC executives, MPs, and members. During this demonstration, he claimed that RockCity Hotel is incurring losses and asserted that he possesses tax returns from the GRA to substantiate this claim.

Dr. Bryan Acheampong, as the owner of RockCity Hotel, has publicly refuted these allegations and challenged Hon. Ablakwa to produce the said documents. Dr. Acheampong has even offered to gift Hon. Ablakwa a house he purchased in 2014 at Trassaco Estate and a hotel in North Tongu, where Hon. Ablakwa serves as MP, if these claims are proven true.

As concerned citizens who value truth and integrity, we hereby give Hon. Okudzeto Ablakwa 24 hours to publicly present the documents supporting his allegations. It is imperative that we do not allow baseless accusations to tarnish the reputations of hardworking individuals and businesses that are contributing positively to the development of Ghana.

We must hold ourselves to the highest standards of accountability and transparency, ensuring that any claims made in the public domain are backed by verifiable evidence.

Samuel Nana Yaw
Development Professional || PR Practitioner
Prince Agyemang
Social Commentator
