
Alan Cash Is Already in His Grave, Big Brother Allotey Jacobs

Feature Article Bernard Allotey Jacob, Alan Kyerematen and Hopeson Adorye
Bernard Allotey Jacob, Alan Kyerematen and Hopeson Adorye

In case he is having any morally conflicting doubts about the political fate and the destiny of Candidate Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen, this brief news article or column should effectively put paid to any or all such doubts on the part of Mr. Bernard Allotey Jacobs, the Johnson “The Mosquito” Asiedu-Nketia-expelled retired Central Regional Chairman of Ghana’s main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) – (See “Don't let Hopeson Adorye lead you to your grave; he's cursed — Allotey Jacobs warns Alan” 6/17/24). Very likely, it is rather Alan Cash, as Mr. Kyerematen is also widely known, who led Hopeson Adorye, at one point a salient stalwart and bulwark behind the resonant success of the presidential ambitions of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and Arch-Lieutenant of the legendary Sir John – aka Mr. Kwadwo Owusu-Afriyie, late – the foremost Akufo-Addo Kingmaker, who led Hopeson Adorye astray.

All relevant indications point to the fact that Mr. Adorye was doing perfectly well among the membership ranks of the Akufo-Addo Jubilee House inner circle, until the former Sir John Arch-Lieutenant inadvisably decided to overstep his bounds by brazenly buying into the stand-in-the-line anti-democratic and dynastic nonsensical mentality of Candidate Kyerematen and his handful of grossly misguided party stalwarts, who rather scandalously and chauvinistically privilege party-membership longevity over and above proven administrative and political-performance merit, an inescapably necessary paradigmatic shift that needed to be invoked or seismically triggered if the New Patriotic Party (NPP) was not to be scandalously converted into the especial patrimony and the virtual private property of some feudally minded ethno-tribal monarchists.

In essence, contrary to what the Peace-FM talking-heads program fixture and self-proclaimed “Humble Cape Coast Fisherman” would have the rest of us believe, it is rather Hopeson Adorye who is the veritable victim of a pathologically selfish and egomaniacal Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen, and not vice versa. And for those of our New Patriotic Party’s well-wishers and sincere sympathizers, as well as staunch supporters and sympathizers who may not know this, or may have so pathetically soon forgotten the same – our profound apologies to Kwame Gonja – the insufferably presumptuous proprietary leader and founder of the so-called Movement for Change (MFC) or the Butterfly Party or, better yet, the Baloney Party (BP), has been claiming presidential-candidacy ownership of the New Patriotic Party since the middle to the late 1990s, when the presently long-retired President John “The Gentle Giant” Agyekum-Kufuor was decisively and resoundingly elected Presidential Candidate of the putative Elephant Party.

Mr. Kyerematen would later imperiously inform the nation that it had actually been his “turn” to succeed to the Presidential Candidacy of the then main opposition New Patriotic Party, but for the ambition-retarding advice of some party elders and stalwarts who had told him that being much relatively younger than Mr. Agyekum-Kufuor guaranteed Alan Cash the party’s topmost electoral ticket in the offing. The comical aspect of such outrageous claim is that, somehow, Mr. Kyerematen has “unmatchably” invested his capital resources in the New Patriotic Party in ways that cannot be credibly or validly claimed by any other prominent party member or stalwart, including even Senior Cousin Agyekum-Kufuor and the now-lame-duck President Akufo-Addo because, somehow, as the extant leader of the NPP’s Youth Wing, Candidate Kyerematen had raked far more fiscal resources into the party’s coffers than any other founding member of the New Patriotic Party. Naturally, a pathologically narcissistic Alan Kyerematen had egregiously and flagrantly overlooked the fact that the very humongous fiscal resources that he was referring to had actually come from other members of the Elephant Party, and not from his own pocket or bank account.

Dear Big Brother Bernard Allotey Jacobs, you see, you may not know this, having staunchly and sedulously trucked with the movers-and-the-shakers of the Rawlings-fangled National Democratic Congress, that Hopeson Adorye is, indeed, a suicidal victim of that very ancient slave-oriented spite and implacable animus, largely unspoken but very strongly practiced, which a remarkable percentage of Ethnic Ewes, especially Anlo-Ewes, are widely known to harbor against northern-descended Ghanaians. Which unarguably answers the reason why in the wake of the widely expected split of Alan Cash from the New Patriotic Party, for at least the fourth time around, Mr. Adorye would openly and shamelessly declare in the Asante Regional Capital of Kumasi, and among staunch and fanatical supporters of the Man without a Constituency, that there was absolutely no way for any political party chockful dominated by Ethnic Asantes whose executives are likely to sit duck and allow a northern-descended “Outsider” like Vice-President Mahamudu Bawumia to accede or succeed to the topmost ticket of the New Patriotic Party, much less the august Presidency of our beloved Sovereign Democratic Republic of Ghana.

In short, the deafeningly unspoken message and signal warning here was that if the former Deputy-Governor of the Bank of Ghana ever entertained the “heretical” and the insufferably “sacrilegious” idea of ever becoming a Presidential Candidate on the Akanistically “Wholesome” ticket of the New Patriotic Party, then the Walewale indigene, from the Akufo-Addo-created North-East Region, was undoubtedly living in the proverbial Fool’s Paradise.

It is precisely this kind of primitive political philosophy that motivated the twice-defeated, one-turn former President John “I Have No Classmates in Ghana” Dramani Mahama to so cheaply and cavalierly suppose that he could ride roughshod over the wishes and the aspirations of some 35-million Ghanaian citizens and get himself back into the Agyekum-Kufuor-constructed and Indian Government-funded Jubilee House, so that the Bole-Bamboi native, from the Akufo-Addo-created Savannah Region, could, once again, luridly thumb his nose at us, “Kɔtebɔtɔ-Kabongas,” and contemptuously tell us as a people who have, ourselves, never been elected to the Presidency, that we have absolutely no right to lecture Kwame Gonja on how to steer Our August Ship-of-State.

*Visit my blog at: KwameOkoampaAhoofeJr
