Thu, 27 Jun 2024 Feature Article

Ama Needs a Benevolent Dictator!

Ama Needs a Benevolent Dictator!

In the heart of West Africa lies a nation we'll call Ama. This country, with its turbulent economic landscape and political theater, paints a grim picture of hardship and disillusionment among its citizens.

Ama needs a benevolent dictator—a figure both ruthless in justice and compassionate in governance. A leader akin to the enigmatic Pablo Escobar, who would show no mercy for those who betray the nation's trust yet possess the compassion of Lee Kuan Yew, a benevolent leader who uplifts the poor.

Ama, where aspiring politicians must delve into their pockets, spending thousands of shillings merely to secure a parliamentary seat, begs the question: What kind of democracy mandates such hefty financial investments from those aspiring to represent the people? It inevitably fosters an environment of corruption.

Ama's resources have been mortgaged to foreign powers, leaving little for its own people to boast about. The current Non-Performance Party political administration of AMA is the epitome of incompetence. The Central Bank, a supposedly impartial guardian of fiscal responsibility, appears more adept at creative accounting than at safeguarding the nation's wealth. The Central Bank reported a staggering loss of 60 billion shillings, with recent questionable impairment costs adding insult to injury. It's as if financial mismanagement has become the hallmark of governance in Ama.

One of the tragic realities of Ama is the pervasive corruption within its civil service. Ama’s civil servants, despite singing national anthems to seek blessings from the divine. However, their actions tell a different story—one of moral bankruptcy and betrayal of public trust. Meanwhile, certain politicians in Ama seem immune to accountability for financial misconduct.

Currently, Ama’s debt-to-GDP ratio is over the roof, burdening future generations while enriching a few in the present. The current Non-Performance Party political administration begged for votes with promises of improving lives and ensuring a better Ama, only to wield power as a tool against those they once courted for votes.

Additionally, the Non-Performance Party administration has left the youth of Ama disillusioned and economically disenfranchised. As a result, the youth have turn to desperate measures like sports gambling for fleeting hope. The touted "free" high school education rings hollow, lacking the quality needed to empower the next generation.

As stated earlier, what Ama sorely needs is a benevolent dictator—a figure both ruthless in justice and compassionate in governance. A leader akin to the enigmatic Pablo Escobar, who would show no mercy for those who betray the nation's trust yet possess the compassion of a benevolent leader such as Lee Kuan Yew.

Hopefully, in the next administration, Ama would have a leader who embodies both the firm hand of Escobar and the benevolence of Lee Kuan Yew—a paradoxical figure perhaps, but one capable of restoring faith in democracy by allowing justice to be swift and severe for those who plunder Ama's coffers while allowing compassion guide policies that truly benefit all citizens.

There is going to be an election soon in Ama. However, the inevitable tragedy of Ama lies in its citizens' ability, or perhaps tendency, to forget their hardships come election time. Yet, hope flickers faintly that Ama may yet find its way with leadership that holds itself to the highest standards of integrity and accountability.

Ama stands at a crossroads, yearning for leadership that can navigate the treacherous waters of corruption and economic mismanagement. Only time will tell if Ama rises from the ashes of its own making or continue down the path of despair and disillusionment.

Ebenezer Ato Ntarkurfah Jackson, Cornell University, MBA Class of 2015, [email protected]

By Ebenezer Ato Ntarkurfah Jackson
