
Kennedy Agyapong's Unexpected Turn

Feature Article Kennedy Agyapong's Unexpected Turn

By Ebenezer Ato Ntarkurfah Jackson
When you think of politicians in Ghana whose love for the country trumps party loyalty, Honorable Kennedy Agyapong often comes to mind. The Assin Central Member of Parliament was seen by many as Ghana’s version of Peter Obi of Nigeria, a leader whose principled stand and outspoken nature seemed to place national interests above partisan politics. However, Kennedy Agyapong’s unexpected turn has revealed a different story—one of political maneuvering and self-interest.

The Allegations
Kennedy Agyapong has made several damning allegations against the NPP and Dr. Bawumia, painting a picture of corruption and incompetence:

  • Corruption at NPP Flagbearership Contest: Agyapong reported that some NPP Super Delegates received significant financial incentives, with some allegedly getting as much as 100,000 GHS and others being given Navara Pickup Trucks worth about $40,000.
  • Corruption and Mismanagement: He has accused the ruling party of looting the country, stating, “The ruling party which won the election in 2016 with about 1 million votes with the support of the business community is looting the country as if there’s no tomorrow.”
  • Criticism of Dr. Bawumia: Agyapong has questioned Dr. Bawumia’s competence, especially concerning the country’s economic situation. He highlighted the depreciation of the Ghanaian cedi under Bawumia’s watch, comparing the exchange rate from when the NPP took power to the present.
  • Bribery Attempt: Agyapong revealed that he was offered $800 million to step aside in the political race, an offer he claimed to refuse out of his love for Ghana.

Despite these serious allegations, Kennedy Agyapong recently made a significant U-turn by joining Dr. Bawumia's campaign in Kumasi. During a rally, he acknowledged the economic hardships faced by the people, particularly due to high port duties, and assured them of Dr. Bawumia's commitment to reducing financial pressure once elected. This abrupt shift raises questions about Agyapong's true motivations and loyalty—are they to the nation or to his political allies?

Kennedy Agyapong’s sudden U-turn with Dr. Bawumia casts doubt on the credibility of his campaign promises. How can the Ghanaian voters trust promises of economic relief from someone who has previously accused his own party of corruption and incompetence? This sudden U-turn by Kennedy Agyapong is just another instance of political rhetoric aimed at securing votes rather than genuine love for country.

Ghanaians should be wary of politicians who present themselves as reformers but whose actions reveal otherwise. The initial hope that Kennedy Agyapong could be Ghana’s Peter Obi of Nigeria—a principled and upright leader—has proven to be a facade. Instead, his actions reflect the usual political gameplay, prioritizing personal and party interests over national good. As the country moves towards the next election, voters must discern between those who genuinely seek to serve the nation and those who merely seek to secure power. It is now clear that the true path to a better Ghana lies in leaders like John Mahama and Professor Naana Opoku-Agyemang.

Ebnezer Ato Ntarkurfah Jackson, Cornell University MBA Class of 2015, [email protected]
