Mon, 01 Jul 2024 Rejoinder

RE: GNASSM files defamation suit against Philip Bawah and others

  Mon, 01 Jul 2024
RE: GNASSM files defamation suit against  Philip Bawah and others

A REJOINDER TO A STORY YOU PUBLISHED WHICH HAVE FORMER EXECUTIVES AS CLAIMANTS and captioned: GNASSM files defamation suit against Philip Bawah and others:

We referred to the above wish to state as follows:

1. That, the story is misleading.
2. That the persons in the said suit are former president, former vice president and a former general secretary

3. That, the description of us as former members is inaccurate

4. That, we are currently, members of the Association

5. That, we did not seem to undermine anyone
6. That indeed, we have received a writ of summons form the personalities mentioned

7. That, our lawyers are in responding to the suit and our defense will soon be served on them

8. That, we are prepared to meet them in court to defend ourselves.

9. We would have expected your media house to exercise your ethical standards by contacting us for our site of the story before going to bed with it but no, you published one sided story.

10. In light of the above, we here by exercise our right to a rejoinder.

11. Our rejoinder should enjoy the same coverage as the story referenced.

12. Counting on your co-operation
13. Philip Bawah, Daniel kwaku Mensah &Yaw Amoafo

Which team do you think has the higher chance of winning the 2024 elections?

Started: 02-07-2024 | Ends: 31-10-2024
