
Prince Akpah, John Armah, Rosalin Nartey And Other Young Ghanaians Featured In Historical Africa 80 Book

By  Avance Media
General News Prince Akpah, John Armah, Rosalin Nartey And Other Young Ghanaians Featured In Historical Africa 80 Book

Across Africa, young achievers from the Global Shapers Community of the World Economic Forum are gearing up towards the launch of one of the Biggest Collaborations on the continent, dubbed Africa 80.

During the 25th Annual World Economic Forum on Africa 2015 which took place in Cape Town, South Africa, 80 young Africans including 6 Ghanaians agreed to collaborate to co-author a book which will symbolize the transformative ability that collaboration amongst Africans can be achieved.

A year on, the dream is now a reality leading to the Launch of the very first kind of a Book Collaboration among 80 young Africans from 30 countries.

The book with a foreword from Ashish Thakkar, CEO of the Mara Group and Africa’s Youngest Billionaire, features Young Ghanaians who are blazing trails in diverse sectors including, Prince Akpah, Founder & MD of Avance Media and President, Africa Youth Awards, John Armah, CEO, Orios Group and Executive Director of GCEEI, Rosalin Kyere Nartey, CEO of Rosak Consult, Daniel Owusu, Executive Director of CMG Empowerment Ghana, Kow Essuman, Lawyer, Bentsi-Enchill, Letsa &Ankomah and Emmanuel Agbeko, Founder, Urithi Labs and Director, Impact Hub Accra all from .

According to the visionary, Alvin Nyika from Zimbabwe, the book will not only command attention across the continent but most importantly, provoke the spirit of unity & of working together for the benefit of Africa’s current & future inhabitants.

During the Launch of the book themed: Transformation through Collaboration, on 25th May at Sandton in Johannesburg, the Africa80 Foundation will also be outdoored to create a networking platform for co-authors to identify partners for future collaboration beyond the book launch.
