Sat, 29 Jun 2024 Feature Article

Mahama to scrap law banning importation of salvaged vehicles

Mahama to scrap law banning importation of salvaged vehicles

Importing salvaged vehicles can have several benefits, including:

Affordability: Salvaged vehicles are typically sold at a lower price compared to new or used vehicles in good condition. This can make them a more affordable option for consumers who are on a tight budget.

Availability of parts: Salvaged vehicles can be a good source of spare parts for other vehicles of the same make and model. This can be particularly useful for older or rare vehicles where parts may be difficult to find.

Variety of options: Importing salvaged vehicles can provide consumers with a wider range of vehicle options to choose from, including models that may not be available in the local market.

Economic benefits: Allowing the importation of salvaged vehicles can create business opportunities for importers, dealers, and mechanics. It can also stimulate trade and contribute to the growth of the automotive industry.

Environmental impact: Reusing salvaged vehicles can help reduce waste and promote recycling. By importing salvaged vehicles, valuable resources can be conserved and the environmental impact of manufacturing new vehicles can be minimised.

Overall, importing salvaged vehicles can offer a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative for consumers looking to purchase a vehicle.

It is for these reasons why I see H.E. John Mahama's intention of scrapping the law banning the importation of salvaged vehicles when elected president this year very important. In doing this, he intends to review the Customs (Amendment) Act 2020 (Act 1014).

This move could potentially have several implications, such as providing consumers with more affordable options for purchasing vehicles, increasing competition in the automotive market, and potentially boosting the local economy through increased trade and business opportunities.

Anthony Obeng Afrane
