
Ghana needs to emulate Asante Monarchy's democratic values for development — Speaker Bagbin

By Jacob Agyenim Boateng || Contributor
Headlines Ghana needs to emulate Asante Monarchy's democratic values for development — Speaker Bagbin

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, has called on Ghana to learn from the democratic system of the Asante monarchy for the country's development.

He emphasized that the Asante monarchy, particularly the revered Golden Stool, exemplifies patriotism, honesty, accountability, and respect for law and order.

Bagbin made these remarks during his visit to the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, on Sunday, June 30, 2024. The purpose of the visit was to seek permission from the Asantehene as Parliament prepares to hold a public forum on democracy at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST).

Praising the Asante monarchy's rich democratic heritage, Bagbin stated, "The Asante monarchy has been a shining example of democratic values, and it's time for Ghana to learn from it."

He underscored that Ghana can benefit from the Asante monarchy's emphasis on essential values for development and growth: patriotism, honesty, accountability, and respect for law and order.

Bagbin's call comes as Ghana seeks to deepen its democratic credentials. The Asante monarchy's democratic system has been praised for promoting peace, stability, and development in the Ashanti Region.

Influence of Money in Politics
During the visit, the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, expressed concerns about the increasing influence of money in Ghanaian politics. He questioned the rationale behind politicians paying large sums to delegates to secure parliamentary seats and warned that this system favors those with deep pockets over individuals with good policies and patriotism.

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II called for a reform of the political system, advocating for a more democratic process where party members can vote willingly for their representatives.

Welcoming the Speaker's call to learn from the Asantes, the Asantehene said, "We are ready to share our democratic values with the rest of Ghana. We believe that our system can contribute to the country's development."
