
No petroleum hub without road development, fulfill your promises to Jomoro — Group to gov't

  Wed, 26 Jun 2024
Press Release No petroleum hub without road development, fulfill your promises to Jomoro — Group to gov't

We, the Concerned Citizens of Jomoro, are deeply disappointed and frustrated with the current state of neglect and unfulfilled promises by the NPP government and the flagbearer of the ruling party, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia. It is with a heavy heart that we address the persistent disregard for the well-being and development of the good people of Jomoro.

In October 2020, during the run-up to the last general elections, Vice President Dr. Bawumia assured us of the construction of the crucial Samenye Barrier to Jaway Wharf road. This 108.8 km road project was presented as a lifeline that would enhance transportation, boost local trade, and significantly improve the lives of our farmers, businesspeople, and residents. However, nearly four years later, these promises remain unfulfilled, and our roads continue to deteriorate, exacerbating the hardships faced by our community.

As we approach another election cycle, we are once again bombarded with grand promises, this time in the form of a proposed $12 billion Petroleum Hub in our municipality. While we recognize the potential benefits such a project could bring, we cannot overlook the glaring reality: how can we trust in the grand vision of a petroleum hub when the government has consistently failed to deliver on a much smaller commitment to our road infrastructure?

We demand that before any further discussion on the petroleum hub progresses, the government must prioritize and fulfill its promise to construct the Samenye to Jaway Wharf roads. This project, estimated to cost less than $170 million, is our highest priority and should be completed before the upcoming general elections. The people of Jomoro deserve better than hollow promises and delayed actions.

The credibility of the NPP and Dr. Bawumia is at stake. We have witnessed years of unfulfilled promises and a lack of tangible development in Nzema land. The continuous neglect and disregard for our needs have left us feeling betrayed and taken for granted.

Furthermore, we are alarmed by the recent land acquisition for the Petroleum Hub project. The signing off of 20,000 acres by Nana Annor Adjaye III, our paramount chief, raises significant concerns about transparency and fairness. The history of land acquisitions in our district is marred with controversies and a lack of proper consultation with the real landowners—the stools, families, and individuals of Jomoro.

In light of these issues, we urge the government to halt any further actions on the petroleum hub until the promised road infrastructure is completed. We demand a thorough environmental and social impact assessment for all proposed projects and transparent negotiations with the actual landowners.

To our fellow citizens, we call for vigilance and unity. We must not be swayed by empty promises and must hold our leaders accountable. We deserve a government that respects and fulfills its commitments to its people.

The Concerned Citizens of Jomoro will continue to advocate for our rights and demand the development we deserve. Our roads are not just pathways but lifelines for our community. It is time for the government to act with integrity and honor its promises to the people of Jomoro.

Thank you.
Joel Samuel Ndede
On behalf of The Concerned Citizens of Jomoro

Tel: +233543257294
