
Police block ‘Hands off our Hotels’ protesters from marching to Jubilee House

  Tue, 18 Jun 2024
Social News Police block ‘Hands off our Hotels’ protesters from marching to Jubilee House

The police have barred the members of the ‘Hands Off Our Hotels Demonstration’ from marching to the Jubilee House in Accra.

The protesters converged at the Labadi Beach Hotel and were supposed to conclude at the Christ the King School, where leadership would go and submit a petition at the Jubilee House but the police took a last-minute decision and barred the march close to the seat of government.

Member of Parliament for North Tongu and the convenor of the protest, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa told the media that a brief scuffle ensued that led to the police using water cannons and tear gas resulting in some of the protesters being rushed to the 37 Military Hospital for medical attention.

“Why fire tear gas, as we speak now, they have rushed some people to the hospital and they should pray that there are no causalities,” Ablakwa said.

The General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Fifi Kwetey also accused the government of looting state resources.

“Leadership is supposed to be working for the people but what we have now is a leadership that is looking out for itself. History will have it that Ghanaians rose up against this corruption and insensitivity.”

