Tue, 18 Jun 2024 Social News

Civil Society Alliance Against Violent Extremism Ghana tackles violent extremism

Civil Society Alliance Against Violent Extremism Ghana tackles violent extremism

The Civil Society Alliance Against Violent Extremism-Ghana (CAAVE Ghana) says the threat of violent extremism is a complex and evolving challenge that requires a multifaceted and collaborative approach.

CAAVE Ghana is therefore calling on all stakeholders, including government agencies, civil society organizations, and the international community, to join hands in this critical endeavor.

In a statement, the group noted that Ghana, known for its relative stability in the West African region, is not immune to the threats posed by violent extremism, adding that: “While the country has not experienced the same level of extremist violence as some of its neighbors, the risk remains significant due to regional instability and the presence of extremist groups in the Sahel region.”

CAAVE Ghana said it is committed to collaborating with government and relevant stakeholders in implementing comprehensive and sustainable measures to address the challenges posed by violent extremism, using global best practices.

Among others, CAAVE Ghana says it intends to hold community engagement and education to raise awareness about the dangers of violent extremism by working with local leaders, schools, and religious institutions to promote tolerance, peace, and social cohesion.

Besides, it hopes to implement programs aimed at providing economic opportunities and vocational training for the youth, saying, “By addressing the root causes of unemployment and disenfranchisement, we aim to reduce the appeal of extremist ideologies.”

In addition, the group plans to build the capacity of the country’s security agencies to enhance their capacity to detect and prevent extremist activities.

“This includes training programs on counter-terrorism strategies, intelligence gathering, and community policing”, the statement added.

CAAVE Ghana further says it remains steadfast in its mission to safeguard the country and contribute to global efforts to combat extremism.

“Together, we can build a safer, more resilient Ghana and a world free from the scourge of violent extremism”, the statement said.

Please find below the full statement issued by CAAVE Ghana.

Statement by Civil Society Alliance Against Violent Extremism-Ghana (CAAVE Ghana) on Violent Extremism

Date: 15/06/2024
The Civil Society Alliance Against Violent Extremism-Ghana (CAAVE Ghana) stands united in its commitment to combat the growing threat of violent extremism in our nation and across the globe. As a coalition of dedicated civil society organizations, we recognize the profound impact that violent extremism has on peace, security, and development. Today, we present an overview of the current situation in Ghana, provide relevant statistics, and outline the measures CAAVE Ghana is implementing to address these challenges.

Current Situation in Ghana
Ghana, known for its relative stability in the West African region, is not immune to the threats posed by violent extremism. While the country has not experienced the same level of extremist violence as some of its neighbors, the risk remains significant due to regional instability and the presence of extremist groups in the Sahel region.

Statistics on Violent Extremism
1. Regional Context: According to the Global Terrorism Index 2022, West Africa remains one of the most affected regions by terrorism, with countries like Nigeria, Burkina Faso, and Mali experiencing high levels of extremist violence. The spillover effects of these conflicts pose a threat to Ghana's security.

2. Domestic Incidents: While Ghana has not experienced large-scale terrorist attacks, there have been isolated incidents and arrests related to extremist activities. In 2021, Ghana's National Security Ministry reported the arrest of individuals suspected of planning terrorist activities, highlighting the need for vigilance.

3. Youth Vulnerability: A significant portion of Ghana's population is under the age of 30, and youth unemployment remains a pressing issue. According to the World Bank, the youth unemployment rate in Ghana was approximately 12.6% in 2020. This demographic is particularly vulnerable to radicalization and recruitment by extremist groups. Northern Ghana has experienced sporadic incidents of violent extremism, often fueled by socio-economic disparities, political marginalization, and ethnic tensions. The region's youth, who face high unemployment rates and limited opportunities, are particularly vulnerable to radicalization.

Global Measures and CAAVE Ghana's Response

CAAVE Ghana is committed to implementing comprehensive and sustainable measures to address the challenges posed by violent extremism. Our approach aligns with global best practices and involves collaboration with national and international partners. Key measures include:

1. Community Engagement and Education: CAAVE Ghana conducts extensive community outreach programs to raise awareness about the dangers of violent extremism. We work with local leaders, schools, and religious institutions to promote tolerance, peace, and social cohesion.

2. Youth Empowerment: Recognizing the vulnerability of youth to radicalization, CAAVE Ghana implements programs aimed at providing economic opportunities and vocational training. By addressing the root causes of unemployment and disenfranchisement, we aim to reduce the appeal of extremist ideologies.

3. Capacity Building for Security Forces: CAAVE Ghana collaborates with national security agencies to enhance their capacity to detect and prevent extremist activities. This includes training programs on counter-terrorism strategies, intelligence gathering, and community policing.

4. Research and Policy Advocacy: CAAVE Ghana conducts research to understand the drivers of violent extremism in Ghana and the region. We use this data to advocate for evidence-based policies and interventions at the national and regional levels.

5. Regional and International Collaboration: CAAVE Ghana actively participates in regional and international forums to share best practices and coordinate efforts to combat violent extremism. We will work closely with organizations such as the African Union, ECOWAS, and the United Nations to strengthen collective security measures.

The threat of violent extremism is a complex and evolving challenge that requires a multifaceted and collaborative approach. CAAVE Ghana remains steadfast in its mission to safeguard our nation and contribute to global efforts to combat extremism. We call on all stakeholders, including government agencies, civil society organizations, and the international community, to join hands in this critical endeavor.

Together, we can build a safer, more resilient Ghana and a world free from the scourge of violent extremism.

Civil Society Alliance Against Violent Extremism-Ghana (CAAVE Ghana)

Office Loc: PLT 359, BLK ‘A’, Target

Tamale, N/R Ghana

Richard Kofi Boahen
Richard Kofi Boahen

Bono, Bono East and Ahafo CorrespondentPage: RichardBoahen
