
U/E/R: Talensi District observed 38th farmers day at Tongo-Beo

By Akayeti Emmanuel || Contributor
Agriculture The Overall Best Farmer, Talensi District John Atiah from Balungu
The Overall Best Farmer, Talensi District John Atiah from Balungu

Talensi District this year observed the 38th Farmers Day celebration at Tongo-Beo in the Talensi District of the Upper East Region, under the theme “Accelerating Agricultural Development through Value Addition”.

In all, 17 farmers were awarded.
A 60-year-old John Atiah from Balungu was adjudged the overall best farmer. He took home 1 Apsonic Motor King donated by Cardinal Mining by Mandini Ltd, 1 Pair of Wellington Boots, 2 Knapsack Sprayers, 1 cutlass, 1 bag of organic fertilizer, and a certificate.

The same prize went to the first Runner Up, Nabil D. James, a 53-year-old from Gbandatok but with the Motor King, being donated by Earl International Group (Ghana) Gold Ltd. Ms. Janet Kperdme from Yamsok was adjudged the second Runner Up and took home a Haojin Motor Cycle, 1 Pair of Wellington Boots, 1 bag of organic fertilizer, and a Certificate.

The Best Agriculture Worker was Mustapha K. Adam from Tongo. He was given a 32” color Television, 1 Pair of Wellington boots, 1 Cutlass, 2 Knapsack Sprayers, 1 half piece of cloth, and a Certificate. The Best Shea Picker went to Asibga Abagna from Guborigu. He took home a bicycle, half a piece of wax prints, chocolate drinks, hand sanitizers, torchlight, batteries, and a certificate.

The remaining 11 best farmers are Susana Mahama from Balungu Soya Bean; Sheabizee Joseph from Yameriga Poultry, Nelson Nwomba from Datoku Cowpea, Micheal Tampulnab from Yindure Sorghum, Nkebig Boare from Kpale, integrated farmer; Christiana Bagnaaab Namoligo, Young Innovative farmer; Busong Kahotor Yagsore best Agroforestry. The rest are Kwasi Afro from Pwalugu, best fisher; Atiah Anafo from Winkogo rice; Jonathan Kolog from Baare maize farmer, Basirudeen Yakubu from Awaradone livestock and Noah Priscila Kulpelga Crops Farmer. They each took home consolation prizes.

In his address, the Talensi District Director of Agriculture Sulemana Matthew commended the gallant farmers for their efforts in ensuring food security by contributing to the achievements of Sustainable Development Goal 2, which is “End hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable Agriculture."

The Talensi District Chief Executive, Thomas Pearson Duanab Wuni indicated that the purpose of Government's Planting for Food and Jobs and Planting for Export and Rural Development will be defeated if farmers are unable to add value to the crops they produce.

He stated that the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), through the District Entrepreneurial Development Agency (DEDA) has adequate training modules in the District that the farmers can advantage of, to improve Agriculture production, through branding, packaging, advertising, and host of others that add value to their farm produce.


