Fri, 18 Sep 2009 Sports News

Coca Cola fulfils pledge

By Kofi Owusu Aduonum - Ghanaian Chronicle

Soft Drinks heavyweight, Coca Cola Bottling Company Limited (Equatorial), has presented an Accra-Zurich-Accra Business Class ticket to Peace FMís Mr. Daniel Kwaku Yeboah for emerging winner in the Coca Cola Essay Trophy Award competition.

The ticket is to enable Mr. Yeboah, one of the fast improving sports presenters in the country, to witness the FIFA World Cup Draw live in Zurich, Switzerland, on Monday.

At the brief presentation ceremony at its offices in Accra yesterday, Mrs. Linda Larbi, the senior Operation and Marketing manager of Coca Cola (Equatorial), pointed out that the gesture forms part of her outfitís commitment to heighten the experience they give to their consumers.

She revealed that they selected the winner by constant media monitoring, as well as how participatory Mr. Yeboahís piece was, ìMr. Yeboah was more participatory and unique.î

Mrs. Larbi announced that her outfit would embark on a FIFA World Cup Trophy tour from October 14 to 16, in Ghana, and then to all 54 African countries and 86 countries in all, ahead of the South Africa 2010 Mundial.

Mr. Yeboah thanked the beverage manufacturing company for the gesture. Coca Cola is also embarking on a nationwide soccer talent hunt, organizing the U-17 soccer tournament.

So far, the competition has hit two regions - Ashanti and Eastern Regions, with Anokye Stars and Ultimate Academy winning respectively, to represent their regions in the final.
