Sun, 22 Apr 2012 Nollywood Affairs

Actors Guild election tears Nollywood apart

By eexpress
Actors Guild election tears Nollywood apart

Perennially troubled Nollywood is currently experiencing another crisis ahead of the forthcoming national election of the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN), scheduled for Saturday, April 28, at a yet-to-be fixed venue.

Reliable information reaching ACTION!, has it that some candidates, their supporters and godfathers are already fomenting trouble and scheming on how to sabotage the forthcoming polls.

Shockingly, more daring ones, we further scooped are openly boasting of using Juju, threats and intimidations to scare away those candidates they perceived as stumbling blocks to their desired posts.

Recently, one of the contestants openly warned and threatened the electoral chairman, Sunny Mcdon, during a screening exercise.
Our source, who witnessed the ugly show of shame, said trouble began when the contestant failed to prove to the screening committee that the credentials he brought were his.

It took the intervention of other members to calm frayed nerves and extricate dazed Mc Don, from the firm grip of the rampaging contestant, whom we were told threatened fire and brimstone.

As it stands, many industry stakeholders and practitioners are doubting the April 28 date, based on the shoddy preparations on ground and the do or die attitude of some of the contestants.

Again, another insider confided in us that the non challant attitude of Segun Arinze, the incumbent president has not helped matters in the embattled guild. He's been accused of non performance and running the affairs of the once vibrant guild aground with his self appointed cohorts and cronies. “His body language towards this election has been very abysmal,” maintained one of the key contestants.

The trio of Ibinabo Fiberesima, Steve Eboh and Emeka Rollas, are gunning for the plum office of President of the guild.
