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Democracy in Africa is the constitutional right of Political Parties to steal national assets of their Nations.

TV3 on Tuesday 04.07.2017 broadcasted a report in which the Host stated that over 20 SUVs at the Ministry of Regional Development has been sitting in their Headquarters compound unused for the past 17 years.

BOST Limited in Tema has hit the media reports for the past week with allegations of corruption and contaminated fuel in the market. New allegations hit the media scene on 04.07.2017 claiming that former BOST Limited MD had transferred over GHC 40 Mio. illegally to the Presidency and Chief of Staff instead of the appropriate account of the Common Fund for the benefit of the country.

An 8 member committee had been set up to investigate for 4 weeks BOST Limited matter and come up with a report to show the truth of the matter. EOCO is asked to look closely into the suspected corruption at Flagstaff House under the Mahama’s Administration.

Ghana’s Media Headlines are filled daily with news of the USD 2 Billion and USD 15 Billion Loan from China, as the NPP Administration wants to leverage the country which will cause financial loss to Ghana in unpredictable dimensions as prices of raw materials will sharply fall during the coming years and China will take its share from it for their monies given.

Wolfgang Schaeuble, German Finance Minister, stated last week that Europe, and Germany in particular, has to invest heavily in Africa to avoid economic and civil war Migrants to come in their numbers into the societies of the White Man to the effect, that by this development, the Black Man will destroy the societies of the White Man and in line with that civil unrest will occur in Europe that can shake the Nations of Europe in their core and core values. Wolfgang Schaeuble has never lived in Africa, for which reason to think when giving money to Africa or send Technical Advisors, the problems of now, and more so the future, will be solved to protect our white societies from the hungry and dying Black Man coming.

Italy this week has asked the rest of Europe for help as the influx of Migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea is no longer sustainable for the country. A Code of Conduct is asked to be issued for private Charities that rescue people from drowning in the Ocean making their way from Italy across Europe to find greener pasture and a place to live in peace.

By calculations of Ghanaians themselves, each year a minimum of 2 Billions of US Dollars are lost in Ghana as the system is not working efficiently, not mentioning the dimension of corruption in the country and mismanagement of the financial capacity of the Nation.

Why do African Leaders welcome Technical Advisors in their countries from developed donor countries but not Experts of Corruptions to allow them to investigate corruption cases in Africa by which the lost moneys can be found and wrong actions uncovered which in the end will save money for the Tax Payer back home in Europe and make financial assistance effective? Any loan from a bank taken gives the bank the right to check a company’s balance sheet to oversee the best use of the money taken and if needed take appropriate adjustments.

Why do these simple correct practices not work in National Politics? Independence and Democracy is a blockade to common sense in this sector and a blanket under which African Leaders and Societies can continually worsen their situation to the effect that lives are lost in Africa, suffer for no reason at all and in time to come Europe will be destroyed by the hungry Black Man.

Leaders in Europe, USA, Russia, Arabia, India and Asia see Africa as any continent that on paper needs a few changes while they do not understand the underlining problems of African societies. A bucket with a whole can never get full. As the real reasons of African suffering is not understood by Whites and the past of the White on the African continent (Slavery, Colonialism, usage of Leaders for global political interest etc.) is poor, the problems will not be solved; what is currently discussed is money and time wasting.

When a White Man sees a smiling Black Man with an empty water bottle and advises him not to throw it away into the environment but recycle it and generate money, once the White Man has passed the Black Man, the Black Man still throws the bottle away ignorantly. As long as the White Man has no legal power to ask a Police Office to arrest the offender and get punished heavily accordingly to the law, any ideas of the White Man to fix serious problems on the African continent are in vain, and as time is running out for Africa and the world, it is even harmful.

When a stubborn child comes close to the burning fire and does not stop stretching its hands out to the flame ignoring the warning of the Father, before it touched the burning flame, the Father has the obligation to punish and push the child away from the flame out of love to save it from destroying its future.

In Football on Club and National Level nobody cares of Citizenship of Coaches and Players as long as they can win the trophy. In Politics the trend to Nationalism, in the light of globalization, is an alarming development. What is possible in Football, why should it be a problem in Politics?

The time to be nice people to Africa is over, drastic and the right actions are needed as the bottom line is to save lives and better the future of people around the world. Europe is in the process to protect itself from its destruction by the hungry African, a process that can easily be avoided when forcing African Nations to accept what every Doctor is expecting from his patient, to follow his prescription and instructions by the letter to get healthy fast.

France has decided by 2040 to abolish all fuel driven cars, only to see electric cars on their roads. Shortly other countries in Europe will follow their decision. As in Ghana you celebrate a new oil field, in 23 years it will no longer be of use…what will you do? Germany will stop, by its Constitution, all Nuclear Power Stations by 2020, the first developed country on earth to do so. Ghana has ideas to set up a Nuclear Power Station with the help of Koreans.

Africa: Be fair to us Whites and change!
Author: Dipl.-Pol. Karl-Heinz Heerde, Sakumono, Tema West, Ghana, +233(0)265078287, [email protected] , 04.07.2017

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