Tue, 25 Jun 2024 Feature Article

Betrayal of the Rainbow Nation?

Betrayal of the Rainbow Nation?

The ANC, ruling South Africa for 30 years with no success shown to the nation but a record-high unemployment and corruption rate, power outages, and a staggering number of criminal cases has joined hands with the DA and IFP parties to form a government of national unity. While the DA is dominated by white South Africans and their specific agenda IFP from KwaZulu-Natal province is black South Africans dominated. Both junior partners have promised in their manifestos to fight corruption and eliminate officials from the system who were and are engaged in acts of corruption. What does political logic have to say to it? Let's take a few minutes to elaborate, shall we?

The current 1992 Constitution of the 4th Republic of Ghana was forced onto J.J. Rawlings to end his tenure as a Military ruler. Article 91, Indemnity Clause, determines cases of corruption before 1992 should not be prosecuted but forgotten. This article in contemporary Ghana is used by the elite to be corrupt with few cases ending up in court to put a shining make-up on the book of law. Nice coverup!

IFP and DA are parties in South Africa business-driven. The white DA wants to preserve the status quo for themselves while miracles will pop up from underneath the earth to bring wealth and equality to the many black people suffering from the mismanagement of the African National Congress. The much smaller IFP originates from the well of KwaZulu-Natal in the Eastern part of the country. Their leaders understand the suffering of their people from newspaper reports an intellectual exercise.

The voters of South Africa gave both parties the mandate to find better solutions for the problems of the country. They hope that both parties end corruption and mismanagement. Being part of the government access to classified documents is granted which could prove cases of corruption with no action taken by the ANC government or the independent judiciary. To eliminate friends and family of ANC leaders from the system is possible but hard to do. IFP and DA most certainly heard of the strong possibility for the black angry South Africans to take to the streets and stage a revolution. Such an uprising would jeopardize the economic welfare of the leaders of both parties and potentially make them irrelevant for a better and inclusive South Africa.

President Cyril Ramaphosa, ANC, who survived a corruption case only recently most certainly had painted a scary picture of the most likely scenario if his coalition partners would dare to challenge the past performance of the ANC and referred to the 1992 Constitution of Ghana.

If this logical assumption is anything to go by and true the coalition parties have lit a light. Based on the poor educated black majority of people in the country this betrayal tactic might not be uncovered by the "Mob" but potentially be brushed over with makeup if their economic situation changes fast in a few years to come.

The most likely logical scenario as the rich white elite wants to preserve its status quo and the black majority still grows in numbers is the voters see the betrayal doubt the political system and call for drastic actions to be governed by a new system with new people.

The much bigger question hanging over the country of South Africa will be debated in a short while, a debate long thought to be an issue of the past, the question of race. Under apartheid, black South Africans had no rights but food to eat. Under the rule of the ANC and their black leaders, they have all their rights but go to bed hungry or kill and steal for a meal. As most African nations face similar challenges and the Internet is widespread in Africa the news of a revolution based on the information given above will not leave the citizens of these countries untouched.

South Africa carries the burden and chances of a transitional nation from inequality and poverty to fame and riches on its shoulders.
