Wed, 07 Dec 2011 Crime & Punishment

Dr Mustapha Ahmed donates polytank reservoir to Ruga Community

Dr Mustapha Ahmed donates polytank reservoir to Ruga Community

Accra, Dec. 6, GNA – The Ruga Community near Kanda, a suburb of Accra, was on Tuesday elated when Dr Mustapha Ahmed, Member of Parliament (MP) donated a jumbo-size polytank to assist the people to store water.

Dr Ahmed, who is the ruling National Democratic Party MP for East Ayawaso and Deputy Minister of Water Resources, Works and Housing said the gesture was to assist the people to get access to clean and safe water supply when delivery is interrupted.

He observed that water demand in Accra alone far exceeds 70 million gallons of the supply capacity, stressing that interim interventions such as the provision of the tank was necessary before government finally resolve the challenge.

Dr Ahmed said the government remained committed towards ensuring that the citizenry had access to improved, clean and safe drinking water.

Chief Umar Osman, Community Leader, on behalf of the people, expressed gratitude to Dr Ahmed and urged other philanthropists to emulate the gesture.

After the official handing over, some members in the community were seen fetching water from the reservoir to drink as a sign of appreciation to the Parliamentarian.

