
World Toilet Day and the challenge of access to toilets in schools

By myjoyonline
Education World Toilet Day and the challenge of access to toilets in schools

By Kweku Quansah
Friday 10th November, 2010 was the World Toilet Day, a day set aside by the global community to create the needed awareness on the challenges associated with the inadequate and in some cases, total lack of access to toilets to majority of the people of the world. It is estimated that 2.6 billion people in the world do not have access to toilets. This figure is about one-third of the world's population.

In Ghana, as it is in most African countries, the picture is even gloomier. In Ghana, only 13% of the populace has access to improved toilets. This does not include those who share their toilets with their friends and neighbours or use public toilets. In the toilet world “Chop time no friend” is strictly applied to the letter and the best slogan is 'one man, one seat - one family, one toilet'.

When it comes to the figures quoted above, one will always have to ask the multi-million cedi question; “So where do the huge 87% of Ghanaians attend nature's call?''. Well the answer is not far-fetched. They do it in the gutters, open spaces, behind people's houses and properties, on refuse dumps, at our beautiful beaches, in river bodies and what have you.

The total effect of all these practices is reflected in our current state of sanitation and statistics from the Outpatient Departments (OPDs) of our health facilities. As a nation we are literally eating our faeces to death.

One of the frightening statistics in Ghana is the fact that 15,000 Ghanaian children die every year from diarrhoea. What would have been the reaction of policy makers, civil society, the media and other well meaning Ghanaians assuming 15,000 children perish through road accident every year. Well, definitely heads will roll, jobs will be lost, committees will be set up, meetings will be held, resources will be re-allocated, media campaigns will be stepped up, etc, etc.

As a country what have we done so far to solve this problem of inadequate/lack of toilets which has resulted in indiscriminate defecation all around contributing to the death of our innocent under-five children?

Let us for now focus on the challenge to access to toilets in our schools. Sadly enough, it is estimated that only 40% of our schools have school toilets. Most schools in Rural Ghana still resort to the use of pit latrines with palm branches providing partitions and privacy between males and females. It must be noted that due to lack of proper toilets in schools many of our young adolescent girls have dropped out of school and the social problems created afterwards cannot be over emphasized.

The reasons why we need to provide adequate, improved and clean toilets for school children is to increase the health benefits of better toilets for pupils and students, retain pupils and students in school and encourage them to improve the condition of such toilets and thereby inculcate in them the attitude of continuous use of these facilities later in their adult life.

Currently our school toilets have become conduits for disease transmission, kingdoms of gangsters and bullies and places of horror and fear for innocent pupils and students. They are also no go areas identified with unbearable pungent smell. You need to be a very good acrobat to be able to use the facility. With faeces dotted around such toilets, you have to tip toe to find an island to attend to nature's call. Some pupils recycle already used anal cleansing papers picked from waste baskets. Our school toilets have become safe hideouts for wee smokers and illicit sex activities especially when schools are not in session. Used condoms are found scattered in the mornings. After all doors and locks to our school toilets do not work and can offer easy access to miscreants and unauthorized persons. There are cases where community members have broken into school toilets and vandalized and even stolen fixtures.

The maintenance and routine cleansing issues about our school toilets leave so much to be desired. The floors are always wet with urine, saliva and water. Scattered used materials like toilet papers, stones, sticks, corn cobs and other such materials are common a spectacle. The argument as to who should routinely clean the school toilet is still raging and no concrete decision has been firmed up as date. Whilst one school of thought sees it as dehumanizing to ask school children to clean their own toilets, others think it an opportunity of 'training' the children how to do it so that when they grow up, they will not depart from it.

School toilets get choked and blocked most part of the year. Whose responsibility it is to dislodge is still not clear.

Looking at the picture painted above, a real commitment is required to overcome this school toilet challenge. It must be appreciated that School Toilet improvement is a shared responsibility-everyone has a role to play. The pupils or students, the teachers, school management, Ministries, Departments and Agencies and indeed all and sundry have a role to play. Children are our future leaders and must be treated as such.

Policy and operational guidelines on promotion, provision, use, maintenance and management of school toilets should be developed and operationalised to guide operators in this area.

The School Health Educational Programme (SHEP) should be strengthened at the national, regional and district levels to provide back up support for the use of school toilets.

The private sector, multi-national companies, business people, old pupils/students and students, philanthropists, etc should invest in improved, user friendly, well secured, girl-friendly, adequate toilets for schools. These toilets can be branded in the providers' logos and colours to provide publicity for such companies.

Pupils/Students should be encouraged to use clean toilet paper and practice proper toilet 'hygiene' always. Hand-washing should be part and parcel of basic hygiene practices.

Pupils/Students should be involved in the management and in some cases maintenance of school toilets. This will provide useful lessons for children later in life.

The challenge in our school toilets needs everyone's contribution to overcome and all hands must be on deck especially when the Ghana is joining the global community in commemorating this year's World Toilet Day.

The writer, Kweku Quansah is a Programme Officer working with Environmental Health and Sanitation Directorate of the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Accra. You can reach him at P. O. Box MB. 50, Ministries-Accra, or Tel: 0302 671464, Fax: 0302 682015, Cell: 0208123972
