
Use of Mob Intimidation Tactics by NDC Will Not Change Evidence of Criminality in Ato Forson Case

Feature Article Cassiel Ato Forson and Prof. Richard Kofi Asiedu
Cassiel Ato Forson and Prof. Richard Kofi Asiedu

It ought to be crystal clear, as well as scandalously clear, to the overwhelming majority of Ghanaian citizens and the electorate in particular, by now, that the leadership of the country’s main opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), believes in the rule of anything and everything except the rule of judicial justice and official accountability in government. This is why NDC-sponsored political bullies and taxpayer-money predators like Prof. Richard Kofi Asiedu, described by the media as the Central Regional Chairman of the National Democratic Congress, believe that they can easily get away with creaming our National Treasury by simply showing up in court with a mob of rowdy party foot-soldiers, so-called, with the patently false hope of intimidating the heck of our judges or jurists so that professional thieves and career political kleptocrats and kleptomaniacal psychopaths like the Parliamentary Minority Leader, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, could literally get away with murder (See “Ambulance trial: NDC to storm court in solidarity with Ato Forson” 5/26/24).

This is also pretty much why the previous John “European Airbus SE Payola” Dramani Mahama-led government of the National Democratic Congress spent most of its tenure at the Agyekum-Kufuor-constructed Jubilee House using mercenary private investigative journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas and his Tiger-Eye PI network of Judge-Baiting and Jurist-Entrapment Terrorists to criminally erode the credibility and the integrity of both Ghanaian jurists and personnel of the entire judicial establishment and the essence of our very jurisprudence in the country.

You see, the Mahama and the Johnson “The Mosquito” Asiedu-Nketia Gang of Mafiosi have long figured that if they could significantly and effectively destroy the image and the reputation of the country’s judicial system, then, of course, they could pretty much get away with any conceivable State-Capture shenanigans, including but not limited to causing ginormous financial loss to the country of the sort unconscionably indulged by the former Deputy Finance Minister and his equally unconscionable and kleptocratic associates in the Lemon Ambulance purchasing saga, in which some 200 engineless hulks and practically unmotorable minivans and trucks criminally disguised as brand-new automobiles earmarked for the replenishment of the largely decrepit stock of ambulances owned by the Ghana National Ambulance Service (GNAS) were imported from Germany at the humongous tune of $2.5 million (USD), if memory serves Yours Truly accurately.

The interesting story here is that it was from the same Federal Democratic Republic of the Unified Germany that the Akufo-Addo-led government of the New Patriotic Party imported some 300 World-Class Ambulances that Mr. Bernard Allotey Jacobs, the retired Central Regional Chairman of the National Democratic Congress, conscientiously and objectively commended and almost immediately and summarily got expelled from the party by then-General-Secretary Asiedu-Nketia, the hitherto bosom buddy of the self-described “Humble Cape Coast Fisherman,” who widely reportedly apparently had deemed such encomium to be treasonably subversive of the patently unwholesome political agenda of the very institutional establishment that Candidate John “Gnassingbe” Dramani Mahama recently described as the most violent of its kind in postcolonial Ghana.

Now, it is rather downright comical for the leader of a political party establishment with the unenviable historical track record of abducting and summarily executing High Court Judges in the country to be smugly and self-righteously accusing the Akufo-Addo Administration and Attorney-General Godfred Yeboah Dame of “employing devious methods” to have a forensically proven criminal suspect justifiably serve time in the slammer, as New Yorkers are wont to say. Which is also why it can only come as obstreperously comical when Prof. Kofi Asiedu accuses the Akufo-Addo government of attempting to “manipulate the judicial process” in an invidious bid “to falsely implicate” the man who is widely alleged to have actually signed off on the check of the Ghanaian taxpayer’s money that was criminally used for the purchase and the importation of the veritable junk that were the 200 Mahama Lemon Ambulances.

The Akan have a philosophical saying that: “The goat that mischievously thought he would lift one of his hind legs and defecate in the middle of the village square, so as to prevent the town-meeting from taking place, had shamelessly and pathetically forgotten that he was only exposing his own feces-soiled butts to the world.” In short, storming the courthouse with a rowdy mob of NDC apparatchiks to intimidate the judge and the prosecutors handling the Cassiel Ato Forson fiscal waste trial, only exposes the entire National Democratic Congress’ establishment for being the one political party that all law-abiding and civically responsible registered and eligible Ghanaian citizens and voters will do themselves and the rest of the nation great good to studiously avoid come December 7, 2024.

*Visit my blog at: KwameOkoampaAhoofeJr

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., PhD
Professor Emeritus, Department of English
SUNY-Nassau Community College
Garden City, New York
June 16, 2024
E-mail: [email protected]
