
Blame African leaders for the continent’s challenges — Dr Karim Ouro

Headlines Blame African leaders for the continent’s challenges — Dr Karim Ouro

Dr. Karim Ouro, a businessman and plastic surgeon, has placed the responsibility for Africa's developmental challenges squarely on the shoulders of its leaders.

In an interview on Oyerepa TV at the Togolese Diaspora event in Accra, Ghana, he emphasized that despite the continent's wealth in terms of natural resources, many African countries continue to grapple with poverty due to bad leadership.

Dr. Ouro stressed the necessity for African governments to prioritize economic growth and poverty alleviation over personal gains.

He went on to criticize the relationship between African leaders and the youth, arguing that some leaders have created a class system that perpetuates inequality.

He pointed to Togo as an example, noting that the country ranks 163rd globally in terms of wealth, a situation he attributes to poor governance.

“There are 193 countries in the world, but if we are to rate, Togo is part of the last 21 poorest countries in the world. What can they boast of? They have the deepest sea and the Togo Port, and they survive on their taxation systems. Meanwhile, Togo is blessed with so many minerals,” he said.

Dr. Ouro called for a collective effort from African nations to address these challenges urgently.

He urged citizens to hold their governments accountable for poverty and highlighted the potential for transformative leadership by making reference to Dubai's rapid development as an example.

“Dubai was a country in the desert, but now Dubai is a place that everyone would want to rush to. Everyone wants to go and see the beauty of this country. Why can’t our leaders do the same thing?”

He also appealed to the Togolese Ambassador in Ghana to advocate for the Togolese community and encourage the creation of jobs for the youth in Togo.

Gideon Afful Amoako
Gideon Afful Amoako

News ReporterPage: GideonAffulAmoako
