Sun, 16 Jun 2024 Feature Article

Leaps versus Stumbles, with Abraham as Example

Leaps versus Stumbles, with Abraham as Example

The leaps are like evolution in character, health, and/or wealth -- consistent leaps are desirable and can lead to permanent rise or perfection. Stumbles are dangerous like toddlers, you may stumble to walk, run, or even have leaps and stumbles, but too many stumbles or falls can lead to permanent fall. So Abraham (pbuh) got the leap of rejecting the idols his parents worshipped, stumbled on worshipping stars+, then the leap of worshipping the God of the sun+? Did he stumble after that? Or will the Jews or Muslims kill me, or kill themselves, for suggesting their 'perfect' Abraham was not above stumbles and illusions? Some of his children are certainly not great, or why are they killing each other to distress my weak or caring type? Where is the good God who is capable and willing to end the killings between humans, or even humans from killing animals for food? Will animals also stop killing animals? Is it the return of Jesus (Pbuh), the coming of God and the Angels, or the raising of conscience as a start? Copying the past means evolution stops.

The story of Abraham is partly great, but also partly sad. If we measure Abraham on the checklist of ch.103, then we realize He was great on faith, but not totally on some deeds. I have a long list of things God did for me and I am still asking, including to help stop the wars... I do not think I can do anything for God, but I stumbled with leaps to reach where I am. Abraham committed the 'crime' of wanting to sacrifice his son for a God that has everything? Was the first 'crime' desire of a son, thinking parents have total rights over children, or the partner (mother) have no rights? Character evolution among the children of Abraham and beyond may or may not agree, considering humans sadly rape and kill victims at times.

The biggest of the 'crimes' was the illusion that a kind God can be sought by shedding blood, of a human or animals. Are we 'judging' Abraham or referencing how some Jews are reportedly looking for a purely red cow to sacrifice to win the Muslims that are killing animals in copying, without desiring to evolve? Considering the killing between humans, some people may consider me insane for trying to stop or significantly reduce the killings of animals. The reality remains that we need God, and the closest we can 'serve' or impress God is through kindness to the poor, including orphans and animals.

As long as these Jews and Muslims see Abraham and Muhhahm^mahd as perfect, they may not listen to the God of conscience, especially on animals. Some Muslims+ think ch.91 mean others can listen to and raise conscience, but not Muslims? No more raising on character, just reckless seeking for wealth? Any time I hear 'they treat or kill us like animals', I hear it as confession that animals are treated badly. Although the story of Abraham, Joseph, and other prophets have wisdom, the story of Adam and Eve seems supreme, including how ch.38 ends it as 'great story you run from'. Among the lessons of that story is inter-species love and testing. If we cannot love even our species, then we may be lower than Satan; if we love and respect only our species, then we are at the same level as Satan in that story. I think we should try to be way above Satan and killing animals for food, or searching for a bull to kill will impress the Kind Lord is very delusional. 'Kill humans until you can find a red bull to kill', then God will come to help you and protect you from ICC and good humans? Hope the invisible creatures on earth, Aliens, or God help humans lot more and confront government lies and cruelties, free the 'Julian Assanges' and bless us as the truthful...

As a vegan with 'Muslim' background, when Muslims kill millions of Rams, Christians kill millions of Turkeys, Atheists+ kill billions of animals year round, it becomes both a sad and mysterious blessing to me. I feel lucky, despite my challenges on health and wealth, at the moment. Will I have leaps towards perfect health and wealth, or is my character even perfect now? Only God knows, but our responsibility 'to exhort each other to truth and patience' does not exclude even Atheists, but demands honest risk, considering it may offend emotions.

Religion is part of the problem, but governments seem to be a much bigger problem, that God should change or end their respite. It was religion that claimed the present war-zones of Palestine are super blessed and worth killing each other for? A nation of laws, lawfully killed Jesus Christ, for serving on a Sabbath among other things. A nation of laws, lawfully enslaved blacks, have apartheid, jailed millions for marijuana, etc. A nation of laws is yet to distinguish personal rights from crimes between creatures.

As humans evolve, largely through resistance, the evolution of wealth did not squarely mean evolution of health or character. When Neil Armstrong declared on the moon landing: 'One small step for man and one giant leap for humankind', I wonder how was his perception towards blacks and the rest of humankind around the world? Was it the president then or now that matters a lot more? As the weapons of America+ continue to kill in and beyond Palestine, we see even Jewish American army officer resigning based on conscience. Sometimes I wonder if God is happy with a small team, the biggest team, or totally rule -- to never allow one innocent soul suffer through a guilty or guiltier soul. Biden, Trump, Netanyahu, and all these questionable leaders are largely enjoying, while folks like me suffer beyond poverty?

My health is not perfect, sometimes I think due to 'poverty' and stress more than protein and B12. Although I am healthier than many of my age mates, I think God can do a lot more for me, even without killing the animals governments recommend to questionable people. At first they said, protein, protein, protein, but now they admit many plants have protein, but many ban hemp seed protein against the poor? Now they insist B12 runs out or runs low after a few years, but does that mean to refill B12 by eating meat and fish once a year, recklessly kill and eat year round, research and access for more B12 plants, or for God to help us more vividly without shedding blood? Perhaps we need to discover more plants more than weapons and other inventions. Prophet David (pbuh) said, 'blood sacrifice you do not need...', but what is the difference between learning and copying? There is something you may like and dislike in every prophet, every party, every president, etc, but where is the perfect God to give us perfection or close to perfection? I like and strive for 100% perfection when making choices, so should my rewards be 100% perfect or at least above 95%? If God is so great in both power and choices, then squarely helping my type should be easy and eagerly done. Leaps are so nice, stumbles are dangerous. So I want a leap in personal house, a leap in gym, a leap in sexual partner, a leap in many things, but until the wars and injustices end, I will need a leap in how I process information? Thankfully, God gives me enough laughs daily. I hate the pain I sometimes go through before the laughs, but if it is seconds, then I can tolerate it and want to live forever or longest pain free life. May God bless me and the trying through Showlove Trinity: Let's learn, let's work, let's have fun.

By Jarga k. Gigo
An Activist and Transformer.
Author of Juts Quhr-aahn.
Optional Note:
Who is the God who rescues man from questionable faiths, but is it faith, faith, faith? 'They found their parents in deep sin and they follow them' may mean a lot more than faith. How many bad deeds our human parents did and who is the God of science and conscience to rescue in which ways? 'It is very bad to work on a Sabbath', but what is work and is it worth imposing on others and punishing people over it? Now some Christians say they are a nation of laws, and victims must beg or force their way to freedom?

Who is the devil or God that steals the land of Indians with force? Enslaved the blacks or told the blacks it is ok to live as slaves of humans, at least you have life? There is life in hell, so I said not every life is a blessing. I want to live good to great, or not exist. I will avoid suicide as cowardly, but if fighting back is considered suicide, then I prefer to be a slaughterer than being a martyr? Death is not a curse, but life is closer as a blessing. May I never worship a God who cannot or is unwilling to bless me on earth. No place I consider as higher or more blessed than my 'poor' Gambia, yet I want to visit the whole world. Questionable Gambians+ pray 'by the blessings or 'barracka' of Mecca and Medina'. I prefer Gambian sunlight over Mecca's and character can be perfected from any country, unless you mean God is incapable? Understanding the Quhr-aahn or bible is not dependent on spoken human language, but understanding all roads lead to the Lord of conscience, where God truly teaches. There is heaven and hell in the mind and the two for the body. Even while in 'hell', try to be truthful, try to be hell-free, and never believe God cannot help you unless you die? I do not know about you, but I have not committed a sin that a good God or good person cannot forgive. My God does not need the blood of Jesus, blood of rams, or blood of a red bull, to forgive or bless me. So give me a great mansion of my own, greater than the mansion I am welcomed or living in. Sometimes even part of a mansion may seem like hell, but great builders can renovate it. So if part of my body or your body feels like hell, seek God with thoughts, words, and/or actions for perfect renovation. Why should you worship a God who is incapable or unwilling to help? Since we cannot see neither Satan nor God, then an invisible voice must be measured for acceptance or rejection. If I take my sweet marijuana and a voice says be kind to your mother, partner, and those around you, then that must be the voice of God. If a voice suggests mean things or kill one as sacrifice, then that must be the voice of the devil. So reject strongly, until the devils run from you, block you on social media, then rise in other ways where they and their children will not escape the truth you share. I refuse to be a victim in a proxy war, or let God and Satan face off. I refused to lie or be cruel for God or Satan, and one must be very angry. So let the God of truth and kindness sincerely be with me. He does not want to be killed or in pain, so I want to live happily. I won't kill animals for food, but I will kill viruses or 'angels' of death where I can. Since I stopped harming animals, can more powerful creatures spare me or wait for a day 'no soul will have power [to hurt] over any soul'? So the death prophets have no power over the souls of the animals they killed, but will the living learn or wait for imposition? Some say God has to put them in the extreme pain of sickness to stop killing or eating animals? Willing versus unwilling submission? I would rather be a believer than a submitter...

Before I was born, History claimed technology will free people from work or work lot less hours and still thrive? 'A giant leap for humankind' meant wealth more than character? My sister and how many Americans work two jobs and are still relatively poor? Technology without conscience seems worse than religion without conscience. Technology is stealing jobs, but Robots and AI are about to rob a lot more? Only leaps in Character can help humankind. How great is the leap in technology or science if poor Americans are bankrupt due to health bills, or to finance weapons as donations? Well, at least the percentage is not worse like Africa? Technology helps in convincing corrupt politicians to rob the poorest to own more technology, or overpriced technology? Technology helps in buying machines for the elite, or how many poor people cannot afford technical service? Technology helps in robbing the poor to go enrich rich Meccans or Saudi elite? The purpose of religion to help the poor is sadly on a temporal defeat, but can it be reversed? Religion, especially Islam, was supposed to free the oppressed, but it failed, at least where it is used to further oppress humans and animals. I still love technology, but its limitations are vivid. Like any power, the holder makes it good or bad, but sometimes we can resist evil powers...

They said a prayer in Mecca, Medina, Palestine, etc will always be accepted, but perhaps they are yet to pray for worldwide peace, to have the courage on fulfilling ch.103 as checklist. May be prayer with sincere actions is sometimes greater than prayer with words... Do they sincerely seek peace with actions and fair proposals? Maybe we need patience on where is the best place on earth or group of people? Until then, I hang on to conscience as my religion above religions, cultures, or governments I am tested with.
