Sun, 09 Jun 2024 Feature Article

The Dangers of Private Armies to World Peace

The Dangers of Private Armies to World Peace

As mainstream media are sleeping or yet to know, we, the ordinary caring folks must discuss with strong language to awaken the best of mainstream media (journalists), then politicians will pick it up, make it an election issue, and up to pledging for international treaty to end private armies. Where there are billions of dollars, the people will rush to compete. Although conscience may hold some of us back sometimes, millions lack high conscience. Some things should never be privatized. Privatizing prisons in the u.s significantly led to the lobby to intensify 'war on drugs', especially marijuana, with lies. Similarly, privatization of armies means lobby for wars or worse than lobby? Again, social media must take the lead, because Bernie Sanders or xyz is yet to name Blackwater private Army as the dirty 'billionaires' worse than Trump and other named billionaires? No mainstream media is yet to discuss it, to the best of my knowledge.

In 1996, Blackwater, the first modern private army company was formed in the u.s and made billions of dollars. The internet claims UK had a private army long before, to protect 'its interest', colonisation and what else? Since the media and most of us were sleeping, the devilish idea crawled towards Russia, and Wagner was formed in 2014? Sometimes I feel like accusing God, but other times man refuse to learn, but how God punishes late learners and accept repenters? I sincerely repent and beg for forgiveness, because I failed to realize the dangers of private armies until today, after watching a video by Jacobin -- will prophet Jocob rise, or the God of all prophets help us? Ok! Stop religion, let's talk money, where atheists and believers agree, where even Rastafarians like Bob Marley agree and disagree?

Blackwater changed their name three times, partly due to negative press over crimes they committed in Iraq and beyond. Oh Jarga, I thought you said 'the media is of no good, did not awaken the people on this issue'? Well, there is a huge difference between coverage and enough coverage, but also a huge difference between attacking a company (blackwater) and an industry (private armies). I am yet to read or hear any mainstream media discuss the dangers of private armies. Since I am fairly in the media above average people, it means it is never discussed or not discussed enough. I have many important work to do, but I had to give time to this emergency topic. I thank God for saving me from wars, and using me to prevent war(s) with verifiable evidence, based on probability. When war erupts, the media become the good angels that make us sick from a distance, but I prefer the journalists that prevent wars over the ones that cover wars? Well Jarga, it is the war covering journalists that helped your imaginations to disdain wars? Indeed! Prefer means prefer, I respect every good journalist, but what credit is due to the non-journalists who write or share until journalists write, willingly or resortly? Since journalists get paid to cover wars, do I deserve billions, and pink, green, or xyz girl if I help prevent wars? See! Even Happy Jarga likes money, but who wants it through conscientious choices or by any means?

Both good and evil start with an idea, so ideas are not minor; words can be louder than actions to the deep hearers; actions are where the blind see, the deaf hear, and the dumb speak? Some join the military for money or green card for money? So an American military guy was paid thousands to war? Too small! Start a private army to make billions or at least millions, while others fight for you? A good or bad idea? Well, the devil or God will fulfil at least the financial aspect, but when will God kill the idea, stop the evil money, and pay his soldiers, like Jarga, more than devils in government and private armies, arm and pay workers? How much did he invest in 1996 and was there any form of grant or xyz with the government must be investigated? In which year was the first million dollars made before the first billions demands investigation. Who was the first journalist to write or speak against Blackwater vs the whole private army industry?

Sometimes you wonder if the devil crawled from u.s to Russia, or God allowed it in Russia for the world to discuss or under discuss it? Well, after hearing Blackwater made billions of dollars, it puzzles me how come we do not have ten private army companies in the u.s, 15 in Russia, 20 in China, and 25 in Saudi Arabia and by which years? In 2014, the Wagner group was formed in Russia, but how many billions they made compared to their u.s counterparts, per first to ten years? What Atrocities were committed by u.s private armies versus Russian counterparts? Did God allow the Wagner group 'rebellion' to show states a private army can be a threat to even states? So China may abstain from private armies and u.s is super special to see a coup, only January 06 level?

Ok! How about owning ten private armies in the U.S to war against foreign countries or to side with a party in u.s civil war? With an Army with billions, I think we should assassinate any presidential candidate or journalist who declares we should not exist in dangerous ways? How about if three third world presidents or xyz made the case in UN speeches and ten mainstream media houses echo it, can we assassinate all? Then, the resort becomes 'donate a billion dollars to Trump' if he calls it 'unconstitutional', they can only deny you contracts, not forming the company? Well, how about a bonus, if Trump trusts them more than the CIA and the secret service ?

The dangers are real, because if one billion dollar lobby budget can cause a war or two where you may make over ten billion dollars. Which country could be the next victim is more vital whether Biden or Trump wins the presidency. You won't get the billion dollar contracts unless there is war, so it makes sense to invest a few millions where you can start wars. There are countless ways to pay a few people to start a war in Ghana, Nigeria, or xyz for resources and now war contracts? I wonder if one can own a private army in both Russia and the U.S, double dip? Or should I start one in Saudi Arabia, if making weapons is another opportunity or a less dangerous industry? Sometimes you have to put it across countries for some to see the dangers. I promise, my private army will only strive to destroy Israel, Palestine, or stop their terrorist state, but then you will be labelled a terror group or legal with classified information protection? One loophole: you can form it in Russia and have a state or crowd funding for a private army that goes to war only if over 50% of funding members say good war to fight? Don't worry, people are stupid, you can program the computer to fool the world. May be people should vote before any war outside our borders, since technology allows it? Should it be 50% 65%, or 75% approval before outside our borders vs inside our borders? My point is beyond legislation, but that real defensive wars can always find enough trained volunteers, so the purpose of armies is offensive wars, and worsened with private armies? Lot of things should change with governments or tax paying will fund evil rather than good.

The problem is vivid and the solution must go up to international treaties. Sometimes we have to push with hope, but our useless or mindless leaders are so hard to awaken where there is long term money, no bribes, pioneering good that may offend the biggest world leaders?

Although now social media can certainly help, fighting government evil can be very hard and long. The private prisons of the u.s is one good example. It took decades before people realized the dangers of private prisons, then years or decades of discussion before Biden made a campaign promise to end it and he did in which year? Again, that was a multi billion dollar industry. If your private prison makes you a billion, then investing a few million dollars towards more prisoners is financially smart. Fund a million dollar research with 100 people to claim marijuana will be extremely bad to millions of people, donate to Joe Biden or candidates who promise to be tough on crime , without defining crime or with fractional definitions, lobby for minimum sentences, then you have inmates and you bill the government? A drunkard neighbor may not just report, but even a judge was shocked to learn the medical powers of cannabis, and he tearfully said he jailed many for marijuana, then got chronic disease where everything failed, except cannabis? Even Biden may be a victim, but increasingly seems like a culprit, under-repenting on marijuana, but supporting dirty wars, or which billionaire will hire Blackwater as company or verified trainees to volunteer with payment, in the Gaza-Israel war or Ukraine-Russia war?

Mr. Clinton once said something I respect, that, 'leaders are humans and do make mistakes...'. My issue is why leaders are often too arrogant to learn, late to sincerely repent their wrongs, or help others with the urge for good. It was under Mr. Clinton that Blackwater registered in 1996, or the private army industry was born? He can easily claim 'I did not see it coming, was busy with Epstein and ms. Lewinsky? Only mr. Clinton is bad, he allowed private army industry and gave billions to private prisons, to lock-up mainly black men, and be called 'first black president' for money, justice, sex, or tasting marijuana and firing a black woman for suggesting marijuana legalization should be considered ? No! I mean those who say only Mr. George Bush is bad, he gave them Billions of dollars, more than Clinton and Obama combined? Well verify the numbers, but what Obama+ said when Blackwater was registered, or if he was blind even after Bush gave them billions and we read reports, then how can he say Clinton should have known better? Every president that supported private prisons or private armies has questions to answer, but are their inaction today due to journalists' inaction? I want to know the perception and perspective of everyone on private armies, not just ex-presidents. How come only the voters of Trump are to be blamed or those who voted presidents that supported or still supporting private armies? Trump did not undo the crimes of Biden as a lawmaker, and Trump was busy with beautiful low women in those years, and yet to urge? Urging is something we all can, but the urging of an ex-president can be so sincere to move journalists or how Alex Jones cries in very different tears from the tears of Dr. Fauci? We can actually have a bill (law) to gauge how many people in each party support private armies, have ever said anything about it, or will make public hearings on it...

Until then, The goodness of money can be seen by a five year old before 'one side' of Bob Marley, but the 'evil' of money is not a religious folks' illusion, even Rasta leaning Bob Marley sees it or concurs with religious folks on that. You must share this until Journalists and politicians have no option on this, except to talk and act asap. May God bless me through Showlove Trinity: Let's learn, let's work, let's have Fun.

By Jarga k. Gigo
An Activist and Transformer.
Author of Juts Quhr-aahn.
Note: Journalists who wish to write in more details should investigate all the names of Blackwater and the atrocities under each name. They are no longer legally called blackwater, but I choose to use that name for historical context. So that people can remember and young ones learn about them and their past crimes...
