Sun, 09 Jun 2024 Feature Article

The Ship Dealer Oliver Khan Is A Product Of Grace And Consistency

The Ship Dealer Oliver Khan Is A Product Of Grace And Consistency

I chanced on one of his numerous funny videos on social media and it was absolutely alluring. I just could not stop watching, and each time I did, I almost choked with laughter.

I was initially taken aback by the confidence and seriousness with which he spoke. He kept running his mouth about being a ship dealer, owner of multi-million dollar companies, being an old student of Prempeh College, an alumnus of Oxford University, and the icing on the cake was his claim of being a son of the Queen of England.

Also, the audacity with which he runs down influential people and their businesses in the country is astounding. Per his humorous account, no rich man in the country is at par with his riches, making him the richest man in the country.

Be prepared to be cut down into size if you dare correct The Ship Dealer's Grammar. He has his own unique version of English he speaks that will take centuries for even the British to understand and explain some of the vocabularies he uses.

Saddick Adams of Angel Sports found a tough customer in The Ship Dealer when he decided to take on the self-acclaimed richest man. In his usual humourous self, The Ship Dealer pulled no punches in dealing ruthlessly with the sports presenter who dared to touch the balls of a sleeping lion. His nose was really bloodied, and I believe he will never dream of warring against The Ship Dealer.

Another sports personality who got his fair share of abuse from The Ship Dealer is Joe Laka of Kessben FM. In a no-holds-barred interview on Pure FM, he fiercely but comically shredded the ace sports presenter into pieces for claiming that The Ship Dealer had asked him for money.

It is heartwarming to note that all the people he jokingly denigrates do not take his comments to heart. Rather, they enjoy his craft. An example is when Kwame Sefa Kayi and Angel FM 's bankroller, Dr. Kweku Oteng had a good laugh when they individually met him even though he had made some unwholesome comments about them in jest.

Bright Kankam Boadu is one person who needs a pat on his back for tolerating some of the excesses of The Ship Dealer. He smiles through the programme even when it is evident that the Ship Dealer is crossing the line. He has done a yeoman's job linking The Ship Dealer to great opportunities. This is what is required of every relationship. One has to pull the struggling partner along in order to make him or her a better person, but others always want to take the front pew, so that their partners only enjoy the crumbs.

The Ship Dealer had a humble beginning but due to consistency, he has polished his skills. He is not discouraged about his challenges as regards his inability to have command over the Queen's Language. His relentlessness has paid off.

His love for God is unmatched. This is seen in the appellations he heaps on God before he starts his programme. God has not disappointed him for serving Him. Currently, he is one of the brightest spots at Pure FM. He has added some spark to the Pure FM's sports show, making it one of the best.

Financially, he is reaping because he now features in advertisements. He has also had the opportunity to tour some countries in Europe because of his hard work and consistency. If someone had told him he would be enjoying such privileges in no time, he would have downplayed that assertion looking at where he started from.

The Ship Dealer's story exemplifies that no one is useless. There is a purpose for everyone on Earth, if only you can identify what makes you tick and work assiduously at it, guided by faith in God, culminating in success.
