
‘We will not, and cannot be part of this process’ – Minority boycotts vetting of Deputy Trade Minister designate

Headlines ‘We will not, and cannot be part of this process’ – Minority boycotts vetting of Deputy Trade Minister designate

The Minority in Parliament has announced a decision to boycott the vetting of the Deputy Minister for Trade and Industry designate, Kofi Ahenkorah Marfo.

In a press release signed by Minority Leader Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, it said, “Members of the Minority Caucus on the Appointments Committee of Parliament will not participate in today’s vetting of the President’s nominee for the post of Deputy Minister for Trade and Industry.”

The release explained that the decision has been taken because the Caucus is affronted by the already large size of the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government and its poor economic performance.

The Caucus said it is unable to support this nomination by President Akufo-Addo at this time because the country has gone through, and continues to go through very difficult periods, including the crippling economic crisis, food insecurity, debt default as a result of excessive borrowing, corruption in government and wasteful and reckless expenditures.

The Minority further notes that it would be better for the President to downsize his already large government rather than appoint more ministers when ordinary Ghanaians are going through excruciating hardships.

“Consistent with our position announced on 17th May, 2024, the NDC Minority Caucus cannot out of good conscience support the approval of this injury time deputy minister-nominee, especially when this Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government has been reckless, wasteful and insensitive about the plight of the ordinary Ghanaian.

“We will not, and cannot, take part in a decision to further burden the already suffering Ghanaian, especially when the president is unmindful of the financial consequences of his bloated government,” the Minority Caucus stressed in its release.

Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

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