
Political Manipulation- Diaspora Alerts NDC

Feature Article Political Manipulation- Diaspora Alerts NDC

Former President John Dramani Mahama also dubbed as the nation builder by many Ghanaians will be facing an uphill battle if and when the NDC takes power in 2025, and to many the worrisome woes are too real to ignore.

In a communique from various Diaspora groupings across the globe , of which the highlights include the following -:

  • Financial gridlock looms over Ghana’s economy
  • Security (including Food Security)
  • Fight against Corruption
  • Good Governance and its best practices

Ghanaians in the diaspora, across various social media platforms have expressed the need for the incoming NDC government to become aware of the manipulation on the global financial arena , that seems to be aimed at crippling the next government through the indiscriminate loan frenzy that has gripped the Nana Akuffo Addo government. Any new government, even if it should Bawumia’s government, they would be financially challenged so much so that Ghana could end up like Zimbabwe , where suitcases of money is needed to buy bread 🍞, because our cedi would crumple under the financial stress that our loans has put it under. Ghanaian economists in the diaspora have formed a team that is very capable of rescuing Ghana from this mess , but until then, their skills are now being used in places like Switzerland, Holland and the USA .

Security, now in the beginning of the month of May 2024, there were speculations about a Columbia vessel that had docked in Tema (Credit :Loudsilence TV) and the Ghana government through its media manipulations managed to keep the story away from the Ghanaians , yet discerning Ghanaians with Ghana at heart, were able to follow and document everything that happened at the port of Tema. The vessel it is alleged, had hard drugs and guns and ammunitions on it , some reports have it that the guns were offloaded and handed over to certain Ghanaian individuals belonging to the ruling NPP party. One would ask why would any meaningful Ghanaian want to bring in guns to further undermine our democracy. Simple answer POWER!! Some elements of the ruling party would not want to see power taken away from them and would therefore do anything at all to cling onto the superficial power they think they hold . And this is something that the NDC government, should they win the 2024 elections , must work within its security apparatus to locate and confiscates these weapons, so that the NPP in opposition does not use them clandestinely to frustrate their government.

Food security is a sector that should be prioritised by next government, and incentives that can get the youth involved in changing the fortunes of our food pricing , using Agriculture as the vehicle for that change.

The fight against corruption is what Western Nations would be having their eyes on, because they were promised a lot by the Akuffo Addo government, only to the pie 🥧 thrown in the faces with the magnitude of corruption that his government has shown to Ghanaians and the world at large. The next government , be it Bawumia or ex President John Mahama must begin to show Ghanaians that corruption is what deprives our country of the much needed development that can put us on the same footing as the countries we ran to for greener pastures. Visible and tangible examples ought to be set as a deterrent to every Ghanaian who would want to go down that path. A floating argument within the political arena is that Bawumia would NOT be able to prosecute any corrupt member of the government he had been a part of for 8yrs, so the bet is on John Dramani Mahama with his experience/expertise to be the perfect choice of the masses , because many believe he would have nothing to loose but everything to gain if he and his administration are able to reset Ghana off the path of corruption, by ensuring that best practices of governance is exhibited under his rule.

Ghana deserves a leader who is able to dialogue with all, and not just his party . Ghana deserves a leader , who is in touch with the realities that the average Ghanaian faces on a day to day basis, and most of all Ghana deserves a leader that understands the aspirations of the youth of our country . Long live 🇬🇭 Ghana 🇬🇭.

A. Dodoo
Diaspora Social Commentator And Chairperson for the Diaspora Development Network
