
Prolonged power outage in parts of Kasoa as ECG fails to respond to distress calls

By Isabella Tetteh Ahinakwa
Opinion Prolonged power outage in parts of Kasoa as ECG fails to respond to distress calls

Some residents of Galilea at Kasoa have been enduring an agonizing and unexplained power outage since last Friday, 22nd September 2023 heavy downpour.

The situation has reached an unbearable point, as the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) appears to be dragging its feet in resolving the issue despite numerous distress calls.

The heavy downpour on Friday led to power disruptions in the area. Initially, residents were patient, believing that the outage was a result of the unstable weather. However, as days turned into nights without any sign of relief, it became evident ECG has refused to act.

Due to the frustration, residents have reached out to the ECG since that fateful Friday to restore power. Regrettably, the responses from ECG have been far from reassuring. Traders and residents have been counting their losses as foods stored in fridges have gone bad and increased security concerns in the area.

The residents are pleading for urgent action to both restore power and provide a transparent account of the underlying reasons behind the outage.
