
Akufo-Addo won’t support grand plot against IGP Dampare; he values his legacy — Sulemana Braimah

Headlines Akufo-Addo won’t support grand plot against IGP Dampare; he values his legacy — Sulemana Braimah

The Executive Director of the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA), Sulemana Braimah, has said President Nana Akufo-Addo will not give in to alleged plots to remove Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr. George Akuffo Dampare from office.

In a feature article titled, "Why President Akufo-Addo Will Not Fall for the Grand Plot Against IGP Dampare,” Mr Braimah laid out several reasons why he believes the President will stand by Dr. Dampare despite leaked audio recordings allegedly revealing secret plans to oust him.

The MFWA director's convictions stem from his belief that President Akufo-Addo would not want to tarnish his legacy or oversee any threat to Ghana's peace and democracy.

According to him, the President knows that handing over power peacefully after an election loss is possible, as evidenced by former president Jerry John Rawlings' graceful exit in 2000 after his party was defeated at the polls.

Mr Braimah stated in part of his article, "I can confidently predict that President Akufo-Addo knows very well that if the NDC, under the very charismatic and brave Jerry John Rawlings, lost the 2000 elections and handed over power peacefully to the NPP’s John Agyekum Kufuor, then the will of the Ghanaian people will always reign supreme."

He added, "It is on the basis of these convictions that I have no doubts that President Akufo-Addo will not heed to any orchestrations and sinister plots to remove the man who has proven to be exactly the one he needs to protect and preserve Ghana’s most valued asset – peace and stability."

The feature article comes after leaked audio tapes surfaced allegedly revealing secret plots by some senior police officers and an NPP official to remove IGP Dampare from his position.

Dr. Dampare has undertaken major reforms and crackdowns on corruption since becoming IGP.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
