
It was a mix-up — YPYC apologizes for 'female award plaque' presented to Energy Minister

Social News Energy Minister, Matthew Opoku Prempeh, with the mistaken female award plaque
Energy Minister, Matthew Opoku Prempeh, with the mistaken female award plaque

Youth development group Young Professionals and Youth Coalition has apologized for mistakenly presenting Energy Minister Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh with the wrong award plaque at an event over the weekend.

The award presented to the Minister, as seen in a post-event photograph was that of “Africa Role Model Female Personality of the Year,” which raised eyebrows on social media.


But in a statement released today, July 10, YPYC said the Energy Minister won the “Overall Africa Role Model in Politics and Governance” award at the 14th MTN Pulse Africa Role Model Awards held in Kumasi.

“During a post-event photo opportunity, a different award plaque was inadvertently handed over to the Honourable Minister, which resulted in an unfortunate and misleading perception as to exactly what award he had won,” the statement clarified.

"We apologise for the mix-up and any embarrassment it may have caused the Minister," YPYC President Andy Osei Okrah said in the statement.

"We reiterate our congratulations to [Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh] for the award, a testament of the impact he continues to make on the nation's younger generation," the statement added.

The award mix-up seems to have brought some embarrassment to YPYC as it aims to honour distinguished individuals who serve as role models to the youth.

The group says it is investigating how the error occurred and will take steps to prevent any recurrence.

YPYC's awards seek to showcase exemplary individuals who inspire younger Ghanaians through their achievements, leadership and service.

Find a full copy of the statement below:



Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

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