
Stephen Atubiga, Where Is The List Of The Roads Akufo Addo Has Built More Than Any Government Now That The 500 Euro Is Ready?

Feature Article Stephen Atubiga, Where Is The List Of The Roads Akufo Addo Has Built More Than Any Government Now That The 500 Euro Is Ready?

On May 6, 2023, a report with the headline "Akufo-Addo has truly constructed more roads than any government since independence," was published in the ModernGhana news. The statement was made by Stephen Atubiga, the founder and head of "The Liberation National Congress." I was confused when Stephen Atubiga made that statement since everyone knows that despite the enormous debt Akufo Addo has placed on Ghanaians, he has no projects to show that the money has been put in.

I did comment that "That's good; simply create a list of every road Akufo Addo has built, just like Mahama did, and make it available to the public so Ghanaians can see it. If you are capable of achieving that, have the editor of ModernGhana get in touch with me so that I may send you 500 Euros. I said further that he has two weeks to do that; if not, I'll join Kevin Taylor in sending the party into opposition for a millennium.” However, today is exactly two weeks since I promised to give him the money but I haven't heard from him, does that mean he is lying?

Atubiga has not responded, which suggests that he is lying, am I right or wrong? If Akufo Addo has built more roads than any other leader in Ghana's political history since independence, it wouldn't be difficult for him to compile the list and make it public. Richard Ahiagbah has also misled Akufo Addo's accomplishments, making it clear that it is not just Atubiga. If the president hasn't done what they claim he has done, why are they lying to support him? Do they believe Ghanaians are illiterate?


Mr. Stephen Atubiga, I am sorry, two weeks just passed and you couldn’t provide the list of Akufo Addo’s constructed roads, which means you didn’t speak the truth; therefore, I can't give you the 500 Euros I promised.

Why do people continue to tell lies and support Akufo Addo when he is incompetent, corrupt, and lazy? Ghanaians shouldn't tolerate political hypocrisy and lying. Mahama has so far invested in the development of numerous facilities, including schools, roads, hospitals, clinics, and markets, making him the second Ghanaian leader after Kwame Nkrumah to embark on many projects. More significantly, records reveal that Akufo Addo abandoned many of his uncompleted projects because of jealousy but he couldn’t do the same.

The fact that Atubiga made such a claim shows his dishonesty and animosity towards Mahama because, as we all know, Akufo Addo can't even claim to have completed one-tenth of the projects that Mahama did, despite going on a sod-cutting rampage around the nation. The president is known to be the only Ghanaian that has cut sods more than every leader, yet his initiatives are abandoned after the sod is cut. He has even demolished government buildings without putting up replacements.

In this appalling administration, corruption has become so pervasive that some media are receiving payments either to write false stories or to defend the president's crimes. These journalists, notably Paul Adom-Otchere, pose a threat to society, which is one of the reasons corruption has risen in this government more than in any other, despite Akufo Addo's pledge to protect the public coffers. The fact that tribalism prevents an incompetent leader to realize the harm he has caused is a complete disgrace.

Ghanaians should stop protecting Akufo Addo's crime and stop lying about what he hasn't achieved for the sake of our nation's advancement and the next generation. For a variety of reasons, intelligent Ghanaians should not entertain this administration. When the IMF loan has not been approved, Ken Ofori-Atta kept promising Ghanaians that the country would experience a dramatic turnaround, but now that it has been approved, he is warning them not to hope for any miracles any time soon.

Why does Akufo Addo remain in office? Then why does Bawumia remain vice president? Why is Ken Ofori-Atta serving as finance minister, then? We need to find out why these individuals, who accused Mahama of being corrupt and incompetent for going to the International Monetary Fund, feel compelled to visit the IMF themselves after ruining the country and its economy.

It raises issues about the integrity of Ghanaians as to why they must permit someone like Bawumia to become president after listening to this humiliating song against Mahama before becoming the vice president.

As I have repeatedly stated, accepting financial aid from the IMF won't change anything in the nation because, in addition to being the most corrupt administration in Ghana's political history, Akufo Addo is also an extremely lazy leader who lacks the intelligence to rule a nation even if 500 billion dollars fall from the sky. I will tell people who are encouraging his falsehoods and dishonesty to stop because he only has experience with crime, corruption, and deception.
