
Mahama Should Beware Of NPP Politicians Who May Decide To Cross Carpet To The NDC Camp

Feature Article Mahama Should Beware Of NPP Politicians Who May Decide To Cross Carpet To The NDC Camp

"In the last days of the NPP government, many will defect and declare their support for the NDC," is an article I wrote on May 22, 2023. As I have always stated, my writings are not based on prophecy but rather on in-depth political analysis that takes into account Ghana's political climate, the country's precarious economic status, and the opinions of the vast majority of Ghanaians. When NPP members choose to join the NDC, I must warn John Mahama because some of them are dangerous.

Considering the excellent work the opposition did when in power and the NPP government's biggest failure, John Mahama and the executives of the opposition NDC should not be pleased that some NPP members are publicly endorsing the opposition or moving to join them. Since the NPP is a government based on deception and criminality, the interest of those who are joining the NDC is to look for something bad to use against Mahama or come out with false allegations to tarnish the image of the party.

Many Ghanaians, including NPP politicians, are enraged about the devastation caused by Akufo Addo, Ken Ofori-Atta, and Mahamudu Bawumia in the nation. Even though they find it difficult to come out to speak against their government to avoid being labeled traitors, their plans to join the NDC are entirely different from what the NDC administration might know about. The crucial question for Mahama and the NDC leadership is: how can they call the NPP corrupt and still accept them as members of the NDC party?

Although the NDC may appear pleased that some NPP members have publicly endorsed them, they plan to infiltrate the government to obtain information or secrets that they can use against the NDC. This is because many NPP members are now feeling insecure about the NPP government's current predicament. The majority of Ghanaians view Bawumia as a joke; thus, no matter how many prayers are offered or pastors are bought off to support him, the vice president will never become president.

The reality is that the majority of Ghanaians are aware that tribalism has played a role in the Ashanti Region's underdevelopment and the failure of the NPP government. I used to underestimate the power of tribalism, but after reading several writers' articles, I became aware of how strong this mental disorder is. They are unable to write about the president's financial crimes, incompetence, or laziness, let alone the money laundering that has destroyed the country's infrastructure.

With the public's dissatisfaction with Akufo Addo-Bawumia’s administration, I find it difficult to understand why so many writers devote their entire time to producing meaningless articles. People's perceptions have shifted as a result of the harm, suffering, and widespread corruption in Ghana today, and many are unwilling to hear of Bawumia’s name, let alone become president. The vice president is receiving insults and expletives anywhere he goes, but the NPP pretends they don’t know about it.

Apart from their worst failure, the NPP politicians know that the administration hangs on a thin thread that could snap at any time since they have no other way to convince the public that they are worthy of leading this country. The common Ghanaians today are in such anguish that they hope for miraculous emancipation; hence, they don't give a damn if they get a better financial aid package from the IMF or not; what they care about is being delivered from this agony, which is still a long way off.

Finally, former NDC politicians like Koku Anyidoho should be handled with extreme caution by Mahama and the entire NDC administration. Their desire to rejoin the party should not be interpreted as a sign of greatness, but rather as a plot to undermine it. Even though on September 23, 2023, I wrote "Mahama Needs To Increase His Personal Security," I will still urge the NDC to give their presidential candidate, John Mahama, more protection.
