
Akufo Addo Wants Jean Mensa To Rig The Election For Bawumia To Protect Him From Conviction

Feature Article Akufo Addo Wants Jean Mensa To Rig The Election For Bawumia To Protect Him From Conviction

Akufo Addo has been threatening Jean Mensa to rig the 2024 presidential elections in favor of Bawumia for two reasons. Firstly, he doesn't care about the suffering and unemployed masses, and secondly, apart from the serious financial scandals that he has been involved in, other grave financial crimes are still hidden from Ghanaians. The president is aware that if a new government comes to power, he will be prosecuted and imprisoned; therefore, he wants to use Bawumia to protect him.

The administration of Akufo Addo and Mahamudu Bawumia is without a doubt the worst in Ghana’s political history. The NPP government has cut more sods to undertake projects since taking office nearly eight years ago than any other in the nation's political history, but it also lacks any accomplishments in terms of development, even despite accruing a massive debt of GH658.6 billion. Therefore, it indicates corruption has occurred if a government is unable to explain how this debt came to be.

Many Ghanaians view Akufo Addo as a political crook who is not the person he wants the people to know he is after he made a promise to fight against illegal mining and was later exposed to be behind the illegal act that has contaminated Ghana's major rivers and the environment. Akufo Addo's crimes with impunity have also emboldened numerous NPP politicians to perpetrate the same conduct with impunity, which is a major setback in the battle against corruption.

Akufo Addo knew that Charlotte Osei would not put up with his massive corruption and vote-rigging schemes, which is why she was falsely accused and forcibly removed from office. The president replaced her with Jean Mensa because he knew what he wanted to accomplish. More corruption scandals have engulfed Akufo Addo than Mahama, the man he accused of being dishonest and incompetent. The most recent instance of his illicit gold deals was made public by Al Jazeera, an international news outlet.

Despite having revealed many of Akufo Addo's financial crimes, Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa is unaware of the president’s additional dark side. He is therefore urging Jean Mensa to rig the elections in Bawumia's favor to avoid being proven guilty. It is quite difficult for Jean Mensa, the chairman of the EC, to withstand pressure because she has become a millionaire because of Akufo Addo’s widespread corruption and bribery. Nevertheless, I have said that it would be stupid of her to rig the 2024 election.

Why should someone who professes to be a human rights advocate and lawyer continue to threaten those under his influence? Similarly, Akufo Addo was pressuring Godfred Dame to imprison Minority Leader Atson. It is impossible to imagine Akufo Addo's level of criminality. To the best of my knowledge, he is the only Ghanaian leader whose security at the Flagstaff House has been linked to armed robbery. How could a president be more interested in financial crimes than developments?

In addition to Akufo Addo, Bright Acheampong, another NPP politician, stated that the NPP will never hand over power to the NDC. Hon. Ablakwa made it apparent to Ghanaians why he made the traitorous speech after being exposed for purchasing state-run hotels. It is a sign of bad management if the SSNIT hotels are having trouble turning a profit. Thus, if Akufo Addo is incompetent, he must resign, but not before selling state properties.

I've told my readers repeatedly that my factual accounts of Akufo Addo's events are based on a thorough political analysis of what is occurring in Ghana rather than on prophecy. I will therefore continue to discuss the 2024 elections. Ghanaians will never forget what will happen if Jean Mensa rigs the elections again, despite the consequences of her past actions, which have destroyed lives and the nation. After all, if the head of the EC doesn't care about her fellow Ghanaians, then nobody will.

The majority of Ghanaians no longer support or respect Bawumia, so I don't even think there's a chance he is sworn in as president. There will be protracted unrest throughout the nation, which the military will attempt to exploit to overthrow the current administration, and many NPP politicians, such as Akufo Addo, Bawumia, Ken Ofori-Atta, Cecilia Dapaah, Jean Mensa, and others, will be arrested, prosecuted, and, if found guilty, imprisoned until democracy is restored under a new administration.
