
People Pray To Be Millionaire, But My Prayer Is That Paul Adom-Octhere To Be Jailed By Any New Government

Feature Article People Pray To Be Millionaire, But My Prayer Is That Paul Adom-Octhere To Be Jailed By Any New Government

Paul Adom-Otchere is a member of this destructive government, and because he has been put in place by Nana Akufo Addo, his support for and defense of the president's crimes has added more damage to the already delicate and broken state of our nation. It baffles me to this end that this moron continues to defend the crimes of his boss without seeing the harm his pointless journalism has caused to our country. Paul Adom-Otchere has resurfaced to defend Akufo Addo's misdeeds after a documentary film involving the president, Akufo Addo, in illegal mining was telecasted by the media Al Jazeera.

Journalism no longer has any credibility. The days of journalists being proud of their job are long gone since a small minority of them have rendered it completely meaningless and useless. They have deviated and are now advocating for immoral causes. I've mentioned before that the journalism Paul Adom-Otchere is practicing is extremely dangerous, and I’m worried about the young people in Ghana who aspire to work as professional journalists in the field of journalism.

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Future students who aspire to work as professional journalists are put at risk by Paul Adom-Otchere's promotion of criminal journalism in Ghana.

A journalist's heart might drive him to do the worst things that can endanger our country once he has no shame and takes pleasure in supporting the president of Ghana's crimes. That is exactly what Adom-Otchere is doing; making it abundantly clear to everyone that Akufo Addo and the entire party’s politicians are a bunch of criminals. The NPP is growing from bad to worse because there is no intelligent person among them to put sense in the head of Adom-Otchere that his journalism is destroying the party.

For many people, including the police, attorneys, and journalists like Paul Adom-Octhere, crime is a source of income. Yet this so-called journalist, also known as the "Christmas tree price inflator," has the guts to criticize Mahama, but he is so blind and brain-damaged that he sees nothing wrong with the crimes committed by Akufo Addo, such as sending someone to kill J.B. Danquah-Edu, (from the confession of the killer) his gun violence on Serwaa Broni, and his widespread corruption, which has destroyed our nation and rendered the economy hopeless.

As is common knowledge in Ghana, elites implicated in severe crimes and pervasive corruption do not face prison time. However, thieves of poultry and goats do. The corrupt law in power can't pursue the murder case since the president is implicated in it, therefore a strategy must be brought up to make the case go cold. As a result, I wasn't surprised to learn that the judges working on the case had to give up because they hadn't been paid.

Paul Adom-Otchere has turned into a criminal because he failed to be a lawyer and is now being paid to defend the wrongdoings of the person who hired him. Many Ghanaians were previously aware of Akufo Addo's role in illicit mining before Kevin Taylor revealed it. More significantly, the president already exposed himself by defending Chairman Wutumi that he has stopped mining illegally.

Who asked him to stand up for someone whose significant unlawful mining activity is well known and hurts the community, ecosystem, and environment? The fact that water bodies are severely polluted and that everyone is aware that Bernard Antwi Bosiako is an illiterate who engages in unlawful mining, what came to mind as president to defend him? This implies that Akufo Addo receives proceeds of illegal mining from Chairman Wotumi.

It disturbs me that no intelligent NPP politician can see that Paul Adom-Otchere is rather harming both the president and the entire party, portraying them as a bunch of criminals, but that is untrue; I believe that there are decent NPP politicians who are not like Richard Ahiagbah. In reality, I don't know if the NPP's director of communications was appointed following a coin toss, because, in my opinion, he is unqualified and hurting the party more.

More than any other Ghanaian journalist, I have been writing about Paul Adom-Otchere. This is not because I hate him, but rather because the journalism he is promoting is harmful to both our society and the next generation of Ghanaian journalists.

We don't need journalists like Paul Adom-Otchere to destroy our country; we need those to fight crime and condemn violence in our society. For this reason, I pray that any government that succeeds Akufo Addo will have to imprison him. NPP politicians don't want to hear or accept it, but I'm telling them that the kingdom of Akufo Addo and the party as a whole have crumbled, and they will never be able to break the eight-year cycle through the rigging, let alone to win genuinely. What more do you require me to prove to you after what I have said about this irresponsible president has taken place?
