
We are squarely prepared to stop NPP’s plan to rig election 2024 — Dr Otokunor

By Simeon Jil || Freelancer
NPP We are squarely prepared to stop NPP’s plan to rig election 2024 — Dr Otokunor

"We are fully aware of the NPP's grand agenda to rig elections 2024 but we are squarely prepared to stop it."

Speaking on a Radio Gold Political Talkshow “Pampaso”, the Deputy General Secretary and the incoming General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dr Peter Boamah Otokunor, has disclosed that, the NDC is going into the 2024 elections with a clear belief that the incumbent party and the state institutions that are mandated to ensure a free and fair election, will not come into the elections with fairness.

As a result, he said the NDC is building a strong system to deal with any electoral machinations in the next elections.

He revealed that the NDC has conducted assessments of its performance in the 2020 election, and is in the process of correcting minor mistakes in order to position the party for victory 2024.

“As a matter of fact, the party has organized numerous activities from last year including outreaches, retreats, and Data collection among other things. These activities are essential towards grassroots re-organization in building a strong management system for the party,” he stated.

The Deputy General Secretary of the largest opposition party also disclosed that the party has launched a management information system to digitize its membership database for proper and effective membership data management, electoral strategy and projections.

Peter Boamah Otokunor who has a PhD in Agricultural Economics has dedicated his entire young life to party work. The current digitization of dues collection and membership recruitment is his brainchild. He is currently bidding for the General Secretary of the NDC as a replacement to his current boss, Hon. Johnson Asiedu Nketia.

He holds a Diploma in Youth Development from the International Training College of the International Labour Organisation, Turin – Italy. Dr. Otokunor also holds Master of Arts degree in Economic Policy Management and Bsc. Degree in Agriculture from the University of Ghana – Legon. His skill set and expertise are in Agriculture, Economics, Economic policy research, Rural Development, Communications, Strategic planning, Project management, Policy planning and Youth Development.

He is happily married with four beautiful kids. He hails from Juaben in the Ashanti region, Ngleshie Alata in James Town, and Koforidua – New Juaben in the Eastern region. He is the Abusuapanin of the Aduana Ablade family of Juaben, Koforidua, Nsawam – Asante Kwaku.

He was a Deputy Campaign Manager for the NDC 2020 elections and has served in various political capacities within the NDC including a two-term member of the NDC National Elections Directorate, a senior member of the NDC communication team and a two-term member of the NDC manifesto committee (2016/2020). He was the secretary to the NDC 2016 manifesto committee. He also served on the Research and Strategy committee of the 2016 campaign.

In public service, he distinguished himself as the head of research at the Communication Directorate in the office of the President under H.E late Prof. John Atta Mills and subsequently served as a Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the National Youth Authority (NYA) of Ghana under H.E John Dramani Mahama. At NYA, he led the advocacy that brought into force the revolutionary National Youth Authority Act 2016, Act 939 which has put the institution on the part of growth and acceleration in fulfilment of its objectives enshrined in the National Youth Policy of 2010.

He was an astute student leader and a youth activist who led various revolutionary public manifestations as a student leader including the famous resistance against the in-out-out-out student accommodation policy of the University of Ghana.
