
Effutu celebrates International Women's Day

By Amoah-Asare Isaac || Contributor
Social News Effutu celebrates International Women's Day

Women in the Effutu Municipality joined their counterparts in the rest of the world to commemorate International Women’s Day (IWD), an event marked annually throughout the world, on March 8 to commemorate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women.

The theme for the 2022 IWD is “Gender Equality Today for A Sustainable Tomorrow” with a call for climate action for women, by women.

Speaking at an event organized by the Gender Directorate of the University of Education, Winneba to commemorate the day in Winneba the Municipal Chief Executive who was the Guest of Honour, Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim, noted that this year’s theme for the celebration places a spotlight on the individual and collective biases against women that fuel inequality.


He emphasized the need for bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women that make it difficult for them to realize their God given potentials.

Hon. Zubairu continued that studies have shown that women and girls experience the greatest impacts of the climate crisis as it amplifies existing gender inequalities and puts women’s lives and livelihoods at risk.

He said to end biases against women there was the need for a clarion call to action on all to speak out against instances of bias against women in public places and at homes.

Recounting the outstanding contribution of his mother to his personal and career development at the time that his father was out of the country in Liberia, Hon. Zubairu Kassim appealed to all to use the day to celebrate the achievement of women, raise awareness about women’s equality as well as lobby for accelerated gender parity.


Dr. Theresa A. Amu, the Head of Department of the Family and Life Management Education at the University of Education Winneba who was the main speaker for the event said this year’s theme was adopted to celebrate the tremendous efforts by women and girls in shaping an equal future devoid of the negative impacts of climate change.

Dr. Amu called on men to support women to end the equalities that have been created to relegate them to the background by pushing and incorporating gender perspective programs successfully and effectively for women and girls to have equal access to information, knowledge, capacity building, resources and technology, which were prerequisites for influencing climate change in Ghana.


She made a passionate appeal to all to make conscious attempts towards involving women in all national discussions and policy decisions as well as interventions to increase women’s access to climate information, climate smart practices and technologies as well as increase women’s leadership in the community and national levels to aid national development.

Dr. Amu enumerating the immense contribution of women to society charged women to mass up in confidence to attain the equal recognition enjoyed by their male counterparts.
