Fri, 12 Mar 2021 Social News

Poor people say when the world is coming to end there'll be hardship, the world is not coming to an end — Quotation Master

Poor people say when the world is coming to end there'll be hardship, the world is not coming to an end — Quotation Master

African Spiritualist, Quotation Master with the real name Nana Kwaku Peprah said the notion that the world would be coming to an end is a lie.

He said no one should bother him/herself thinking about it.

"Those who brought the idea of the world coming to an end are always planning hundred years ahead. They are doing things for posterity and you are here thinking about the world coming to an end? Who told you that?" he quizzed.

According to him, it is said when the world is coming to an end, there shall be more hardships across the world.

In his view, those suggestions are false and not factual.

He continued, "how come the world would be coming to an end and there is hardship, but in some countries like Canada, those who don't work are paid? What is more enjoyable than staying at home and not working but you're paid.

"The world isn't going to end today or tomorrow but we've put this into our minds. This notion of the world is coming to an end has kept Africans thinking about it instead of developing their countries. We are rather thinking about the world coming to end and not acting aright," he stated.

When asked about the judgement day as written in the Bible, Kwaku Peprah stressed, "That is inspiring fear in people. The world is very old but when you ask Christians about how old is the world, they shall tell you, it is about 2000 years old. The Muslims, would give you different answers, so which one should we believe? That is not true."

In addition, he said, "when you ask a scientist about how old is the world, they would tell you, it is about 7 billion years old. Different religions have different years as to how old the world is. Some things are lies and we shouldn't worry about them. These are part of the oppressed thinking mindset we should discard".

Quotation Master revealed one of the strategies of the whites was to use the black to achieve their aim. "America, Obama being black was the one who accepted LGBTQI, but Trump being white was the one who fought against those rights.

"The white man is smart to always portray black people as evil and whites as good. From hence anyone who tells you that, you're evil, discard it and don't accept it".

He added, "If anyone tells you that, the 'god' in your family is small, please ignore it. The 'god' of your family is bigger than that person. At the moment you accept that you're doomed because you have condemned yourself".

He was speaking to Rev. Nyansa Boakwa on his socioreligious programme dubbed 'Nsem Pii' on Happy FM monitored on YouTube via the Happy TV channel.

Quotation Master admonishes all Ghanaians to raise their consciousness high and stop being deceived by religious dogmas which are not spiritually factual and also doesn't sit well for our progress.

DC Kwame Kwakye
DC Kwame Kwakye

Broadcast JournalistPage: DCKwameKwakye
