Wed, 24 Feb 2021 Social News

I’m not involved in galamsey activities - Adansi North DCE

By Evans Boateng
Hon. Eric Kwaku KusiHon. Eric Kwaku Kusi

The Adansi North District Chief Executive (DCE), Hon. Eric Kwaku Kusi has rubbished allegations leveled against him in a New Crusading Guide Newspaper publication that he is involved in illegal mining (galamsay) activities in the area.

He said the publication in question was purported by his opponents eyeing the DCE position to tarnish his name as well as his integrity.

According to him, Adansi North District is one of the areas designated for community mining.

“….they believe I (DCE) didn’t support Fomena independent candidates but rather the defeated NPP MP aspirant hence they will do anything possible to mar the relationship between me and the current MP who happens to be the independent candidates,” he told Evans Boateng in an interview.

He said the people in the area can attest to his good works in terms of development projects undertaken in the last four years under his watch in the district.

He has implored all to ignore the New Crusading Guide publication which meant to destroy his hard-won reputation.

According to Hon. Eric Kwaku Kusi, he received a lot of calls from some renowned journalists and newspaper reporters demanding money from him which he turned deaf ear to.

He believes his failure to meet their demands made them propagate such false news about him.

Hon Eric Kwaku Kusi revealed that through the Environment, Science, Technology and Innovations under the then Inter-Ministerial Committee on Illegal Mining (IMCIM) he launched the Community Mining Program in Adumanu and other communities, a couple of years ago to enable artisanal small scale miners engage in responsible Mining.

He added that, before he assumed office as DCE, some youth in Adansi Akrokerri used to mine illegally in a concession meant for Goldstone Akrokerri Limited but he stopped them and later convinced the owners of the said concession to give the youth a portion to do community mining in order create sustainable livelihoods.

He averred that the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Mr. Kwaku Asomah-Cheremeh later launched Akrokerri Community Mining meant to fight illegal mining which created sustainable livelihoods in the process.
