
Africa Must Unite Under My Watch—Ernesto Yeboah

By Nana Kojo Atobra || Righteous TV, Techiman 
Politics Africa Must Unite Under My Watch—Ernesto Yeboah

The Commander-in-Chief of the Economic Fighters League, Ernesto Yeboah who was arrested by security operatives during a watch at the Black Star Square on 5th July 2019 has revealed that his destiny on Earth is determined to get Africa to unite under his watch stressing that agenda 2063 set to make Africa unite is meaningless for he believes Africa can only unite when it become a botherless continent

He lamented that the agenda set up between leadership of African states to unite is influenced by the Whites alleging that "The Whites won't agree Africa unity unless all the natural resources they have in abundance is embezzled by them"

Advising that Africa must take its destiny in its own hand to make the promise made by the creator become fulfilled

Speaking in an interview in KB on agoo morning show in Techiman the Bono East Regional Capital Techiman

Ernesto Yeboah indicated that he wants Africa to gain economic freedom which will enhance its own peace and development

Ernesto Yeboah was arrested again for organising a vigil for the late George Floyd, who was killed by a white police officer who knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes.

He made an utterance that he will make sure Africa become unite without borders between them

He said Ghanaians , Togolese must break their borders, Nigerians must do same , Ugandan, Libyan, Cote D'voire and all the 54 countries in Africa must break all its borders to embrace unity and development
