
Christianity is not a name tag, but a way of life

Lifestyle Christianity is not a name tag, but a way of life

I. SON OF MAN, may the grace of God be extended to you as we face the new day. Beloved, as we go through this new day, let us reflect on a profound truth: Christianity is not just a name tag but a way of life. As we walk through the day and engage people, older or younger, richer or poorer, whatever their status in life, let us remember that Christianity is a way of life. Many of us wear the label 'Christian' with pride, but do our actions and choices reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ? Our way of life, at the office, at home, in private or in public, and wherever we find ourselves, must reflect our profession of faith.

II. DAUGHTER OF ZION, let us reflect daily on the warnings of our Saviour Jesus Christ, that not everyone who calls Him Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. Our relationship with God is not just about professing faith, but about living it out in our daily lives. We must live Christ in us daily. Our lives must reflect the teachings of the Holy Bible. To live the life of a Christian also requires daily meditation on the word of God. To walk the Christian life also requires us to support others in a Christlike way. It also mandates that we do not take advantage of those who offer us support. Let us support each other in the smallest ways; it may go a long way in reflecting the Christ in us to that soul. It's about putting our faith into practice every day. We are challenged daily to demonstrate our love for God through our actions and inactions toward our neighbours.

III. MY BELOVED SISTERS AND DEAR BROTHERS, in this Christian journey, we are encouraged to appreciate that faith without works is dead. We must work at our Christian life daily to sustain our growth in the Lord. We must nourish our faith through daily Christlike activities, without which our faith will die. The work of faith includes daily Bible study, prayers, mission work, which also involves evangelism, and extending godly help to the needy. Are you wearing Christianity as a name tag? Is your Christian life just a label you display for people to read, or does your way of life direct people to Christ? Beloved, let us remember daily that Christianity is not just a name tag but a way of life that must transform us from the inside out.

IV. PRECIOUS IN THE LORD, the Christian way of life involves loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind; loving our neighbours as ourselves; living with compassion, kindness, and humility; serving the poor, the widow, and the orphan; and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with others. Let us not be content with just wearing the label 'Christian'. Let us strive to live out our faith in every aspect of our lives so that our words and actions may bring glory to God and inspire others to follow Jesus. This is a DIVINE REVELATION, released through the Authority and Power of Christ Jesus, and served to the brethren through God's Vessel Francis Ameyibor, Yes! Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

V. 2024 MY DIVINE YEAR TO WALK IN THE PATH OF GOD TO MY PROMISE LAND – May we embrace this new life in Christ and live it out boldly, unashamed, and unapologetically.

PRAYER: May God bless you, and may His love guide you as you seek to live out your faith in every way. May God continue to guide and inspire you as you seek to follow Him through Jesus Christ’s name – Amen.

REF: Matthew 7:21-23 & 28:19-20
James 2:26 & 1:27
Mark 12:30 & 31
Colossians 3:12
2 Corinthians 5:17
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