
Let us encourage one another and build each other up

Lifestyle Let us encourage one another and build each other up

I. Daughter of Zion, may the Lord favour you this month. Beloved, let us reflect on a vital pillar in our Christian life and a duty of encouragement. The Bible instructs us to "encourage one another and build each other up." Encouraging and inspiring your neighbours is an important part of loving them as yourself. Providing encouragement and inspiration is doubly important because most people you meet are hurting in some way. Encouragement is a powerful tool that can make a significant difference in someone's life. It can bring hope to the despairing, comfort to the mourning, and strength to the weak. Remember the importance of the encouragement you received when you were cast down? Others also need that from you today.

II. Son of man, God has blessed us in various ways, and one of the reasons is so that we can be a blessing to others. If God has led you into a successful marriage, it's not just for your enjoyment but also to guide others on that path. If God has lifted you up in your career or personal life, it's not just for your success but also to pull others upward. Your riches are also for others to benefit from, not for you alone to enjoy. God delivered you from persecution so that you will strengthen going through it now. God saved you from alcoholism, prostitution, stealing, a wayward lifestyle, and engagement in all manner of social vices so that you will be a light unto those who are still in it. Offer help, and don’t look down on them. Therefore, comfort yourselves together and edify one another, even as you also do.

III. My Beloved Sisters and Dear Brothers, we must recognize that we are not alone in this journey. There are those around us who are struggling, who are lonely, who are mourning, and who are in need. A minute spent with a lonely person will lift burdens from that heart. Just a word of inspiration from you to that subordinate will transform his or her attitude toward work. Remember that God has called us to be His instruments of encouragement in their lives. Let us not underestimate the power of a word of encouragement. It can be a smile, a kind gesture, a listening ear, or a comforting hug. Whatever form it takes, let us remember that encouragement is a ministry that we are all called to. Let your words this month build lives, not destroy them. Offer a helping hand to pull others upward on the professional ladder and not push them down.

IV. Precious in the Lord, the Apostle Paul charges us to consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another, and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. The scripture teaches us the essence of strong fellowship. Through a strong bond of fellowship, the weak will be strengthened; we will share each other's burdens; we will build each other up; and we will build up young Christians. This is a DIVINE REVELATION, released through the Authority and Power of Christ Jesus, and served to the brethren through God's Vessel Francis Ameyibor. Yes! Let us go out and encourage one another, so that we may all be strengthened and blessed in our walk with God.

V. 2024 MY DIVINE YEAR TO WALK IN THE PATH OF GOD TO MY PROMISE LAND – Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

PRAYER: May God help us to be encouragers and not discouragers. May we build each other up and not tear each other down. May we be the salt and light that our world needs, and may our encouragement be a reflection of God's love and grace in our lives through Christ Jesus’ name – Amen.

REF: 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Hebrews 10:24-25
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