Wed, 12 Jun 2024 Exclusive News

I'm very disappointed in Agya Koo for comparing Ghana’s hardship to Europe and Asia – Joe Frazier

By Dream Big Entertainment
I'm very disappointed in Agya Koo for comparing Ghana’s hardship to Europe and Asia – Joe Frazier

Veteran Ghanaian hiplife artist Joe Frazier has expressed disappointment in Ghanaian actor-turned-politician Agya Koo for comparing Ghana’s economic hardship to that of Europe, the United States, and Asian countries.

Agya Koo recently commented on the economic difficulties in Ghana, suggesting that the country is not unique in facing such challenges. He stated, "Economic comfort is a myth worldwide. In places like Europe, Asia, and the United States, economic hardship is evident, with some individuals even lacking proper documentation for employment."

However, Joe Frazier, in an interview with Martha Joyce (MATJOY) on Oyerepa TV CineFie, criticized Kofi Adu (Agya Koo) for using his political affiliations to defend his party, the NPP, rather than speaking up for ordinary Ghanaians.

"I am very disappointed in Agya Koo for comparing Ghana’s hardship to that of Europe, Asia, and the United States. Maybe Agya Koo is receiving some benefits from his party, which is why he always defends them. He should put himself in the shoes of the ordinary Ghanaian," Joe Frazier said.

Joe Frazier's remarks were made after he shared his personal life experiences in both Europe and Ghana.

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