Fri, 23 Feb 2018 General News

Presiding Bishop Of Methodist Church Ghana Pays A Historic Visit To Himan-Prestea Palace

Presiding Bishop Of Methodist Church Ghana Pays A Historic Visit To Himan-Prestea Palace

The Presiding Bishop of Methodist Church Ghana, Most Rev. Titus Kofi Awotwe Pratt paid a historic visit to the Divisional Chief of Himan-Prestea Traditional Area, Nana Nteboah Prah IV at at his palace at Himan in the Prestea Huni-Valley District of the Western Region Thursday 22nd February 2018.

Introducing the Presiding Bishop to the Nana Nteboah Prah IV and his elders, Rt. Rev. Thomas Amponsah, the Bishop of Tarkwa Diocese pointed out that, the Presiding Bishop, Most. Rev. Titus Kofi Awotwe Pratt is someone who stated serving as a Minister of Methodist Church Ghana, as far back 1977.

He said the Presiding Bishop has also served in Gambia, until he was elected into office as Presiding Bishop. He added that, Tarkwa diocese has fourteen circuits, of which Prestea Circuit is also pivotal, hence, if the Presiding Bishop is visiting Tarkwa Diocese, then it is important; he brings him to Prestea, and to Nana Nteboah Prah IV, who is the Divisional Chief of Himan-Prestea.

Nana Nteboah Prah IV, who remarked the visit as “historic”, was happy that, under his reign as Chief, and for the first time in many years, the Palace is privilege to host the Presiding Bishop of Methodist Church Ghana, which means “something good is coming to our land”, he remarked.

Nana Nteboah Prah IV recounted the numerous Schools the Methodist Church Ghana has established, of which Himan-Prestea was not left out.

He also pointed the Himan-Prestea Community has over the years, produced several Rev. Ministers for the Methodist Church, Ghana, and even four of his prominent Odikro are members of the Church, showing the great deal of friendship his palace has with the Church.

“Being an Anglican myself, am your senior, as Methodist was born from Anglican Church” he remarked.

Nana Nteboah Prah IV used the opportunity to appeal to Most. Rev Titus Kofi Awotwe Pratt to use his high office to appeal to the government President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo to consider the Bogoso to Prestea road and Prestea –Himan town roads.

We have suffered a lot on these bad roads. “I know you being a direct man of God; I am appealing to you, because I know when you talk, they will listen to you.

Our roads are deplorable”,
he pointed out. Nana Nteboah Prah IV added that “it looks like, various governments; (both NDC and NPP) do not see the need to develop mining areas”.

“Prestea with all these natural resources, this is not supposed to be our fate”. I know the President and his ministers come to your Church, please, “appeal to them on our behalf”, he added. In addition, Nana Nteboah Prah appealed that, late Rev. Archer of Tema Diocese, who was a native of Himan- Prestea must be remembered in a special way by the Methodist Church Ghana.

Nana Nteboah Prah IV also stated that, Very Rev. Kwame Ghartey, and Rev. Kwame Asiedu Dapaah, who are serving as Prestea Circuit Minister and Himan Society Minister respectively are doing massively well in Prestea and must be given enough time to serve their communities, without early transfers.

Most. Rev Titus Kofi Awotwe Pratt thanked Nana Nteboah Prah IV for the warm reception accorded to him.

“ I am someone who like Adinkra symbols a lot and what am seeing here is refreshing”, he remarked. The Presiding Bishop reiterated that, Methodist Church Ghana’s success in the country over the years has been due to continuous support of our Chiefs.

Most Rev Titus Kofi Awotwe Pratt added that “the way Nana Nteboah Prah IV has spoken, he being an Anglican, the fear of God he has, and the love he has for his community, shows that his reign will bring a lot of good things to this land”.

It is “my prayer that your reign will bring success”.

As for late Rev. Archer, he was our son and brother, and the Church will remember him. Also, your roads, I will remind government as you have said.

Most Rev Titus Kofi Awotwe Pratt presented 2018 Methodist Church Ghana calendar and dairy to Nana Nteboah Prah IV as a sign of the solid friendship the Church has with the Traditional Area.

In a story filed by Prestea Communicators for Development (PCD), the Presiding Bishop was accompanied by Rt. Rev. Thomas Amponsah, Bishop of Tarkwa Diocese; Very Rev. Nicholas Odum, Synod Secretary; Mr. Charles Vandyke, Tarkwa Diocesan Lay Chairman; Rev. Abeiku Afful, Assist. Synod Secreatary; Very Rev. Kwame Ghartey of Prestea Circuit; Rev. Kwame Asiedu Dapaah of Himan Society and leaders of Prestea Circuit Methodist Church, Ghana.






Desmond Nana Osei
Desmond Nana Osei

Western Region CorrespondentPage: DesmondNanaOsei
