Sun, 18 Dec 2011 Feature Article

Different stages of human mind

Different stages of human mind

Like our growth and development starting from an infant to youth to middle age to old age, do our mind and the thinking pattern also pass through the growth and development cycle from one stage to another?

Certainly our mind and the thinking pattern do grow from one stage to another and each stage is very distinct and different.

In general, the mind of human beings at birth is very innocent, unadulterated and curious like all newly born animals. The mind and the thinking pattern of the child are un-polluted, does not fear & favour anything, know no discrimination, colour, language, meaning or interpretation. All it knows is only to laugh or cry. Both emotions are very spontaneous and exist unpredictably together or side by side.

The innocent mind refuses to get spoiled during its early phase of growth, especially during teens. The mind at teens questions the authority & law and wish everything around it should be similar and identical. Mind of people especially from teen age to 30 years, thinks and works like a socialist or a communist. The innocent animal like thinking mind of human being at birth transform into a socialist or communist when it reaches teenage. This is the second phase of growth.

The socialist or communist mind, slowly start accepting the truth and reality and longs to marry fancy and fallacy. At middle age the mind exactly thinks and work likes a capitalist or a feudalist. This is the third phase of growth of human mind.

Usually after 60 years of age, the capitalist mind becomes 'selfish' and greedy in its thinking and functioning. The weak body neither supports the strong mind nor the strong selfish desire the weak body. This is supposed to be the last phase of growth of human mind. Most men die as selfish or greedy.

Does this hold any pertinence to corporate? Definitely, lot of meaning the growth chart of human mind conveys to corporate.

Every employee when they join an organization is very passionate and obsessed to make the organization a heaven of all heavens. This is the first stage of the general psychology of any newly joined employees in most organization. After 5 years of service, most employees longs to retain their job at any cost. Contributing power of these employees will diminish relatively, however, they show high level of capability in extracting work from others and do an excellent blame game. This is the second stage of growth.

After 15-20 years of service, most employees get frustrated with the organization, contribute the least and generally wish anything and everything against the organization. In due course they may get either eliminated or continue to exist and tries to complete 20-25 years or more in service.

HR and the corporate must understand this general psychology of employees and accordingly engage them. During the period of passion and obsession, organization must although encourage them but must be very careful as well. Too much of freedom or trust at this stage can be disastrous to the organization.

During their struggle for sustenance, the organization must smartly entrust more responsibilities and tasks to them. If the corporate engage the employees in the right way, progression of the employees to the third stage would never occur or can be prevented forever.

It is not mere psychodynamic analysis, mapping of the thinking pattern of the employees must be done on a regular basis and the root cause must be nailed or addressed.
