Sat, 27 Nov 2010 Social News

CHRAJ expresses shock at the woman set ablaze for witchcraft

By myjoyonline

The Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) has expressed shock over how Madam Ama Hemmah, a 72-year-old woman was subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment resulting in her death in Tema.

A statement issued in Accra by Mrs Comfort Akosua Edu, Head of Public Relations said: "The Commission finds the action of the perpetrators of this atrocious crime as very barbaric and one that greatly dims the nation's human rights record".

"That they came and met her in their room does not in any way warrant branding her as a notorious witch who deserved to be subjected to such an ordeal.

"It is, indeed, very disheartening that some men of God, whose responsibility it is to help save lives, could rather orchestrate the killing of innocent souls, all in the name of God."

The Commission applauded the Ghana Police Service for acting swiftly on the matter and called on the Attorney General's Department to offer the needed advice to ensure that the culprits were made to dance to the tune of their action to serve as a deterrent to others.

It said Ms Deborah Pearl Adumoah, the student-nurse, who chanced upon Madam Hemmah and offered her a helping hand, must be commended by all for her efforts.

The statement called on all Ghanaians to emulate her example and to desist from being involved in mob attacks.

Available information indicated that the deceased was reported to have been found in the room of one Emelia Opoku at a time when the lady had sent her children to school.

Alarm was raised, which incited a group of persons in the neighbourhood at Site 15, Tema who allegedly tortured and extracted confessions of witchcraft from the deceased.

The mob then drenched the poor old lady in kerosene and set her ablaze. She died within 24 hours of arrival in hospital.
