
Agrihouse Foundation holds 4th edition of Ghana Poultry Day to boost production

By Beyonce Diamond Kpogli II Contributor
Agriculture Agrihouse Foundation holds 4th edition of Ghana Poultry Day to boost production

The Deputy Minister of Food and Agriculture in charge of Livestock, Alhaji Hardi Tufeiru, has advised the youth to invest in poultry farming, acknowledging the sector's potential for growth and development.

According to him, the sector presents many opportunities that, if undertaken by those seeking government work, could reduce the rate of unemployment.

He made this known at the 4th edition of Ghana Poultry Day organized by the Agrihouse Foundation on 1st July 2024, at the forecourt of the State House.

According to him, Ghana's poultry industry faces a significant production deficit, with a mere 60,000 metric tons produced annually, far short of the country's consumption rate of 400,000 metric tons. To address this disparity, he said the government has devised a comprehensive plan aimed at bridging the deficit within the next five years.

He indicated that under the second phase of the Planting for Food and Jobs program, the government has established support mechanisms for anyone who signs up for the project. Youth are urged to take advantage of these opportunities and engage in agribusiness, which is poised to drive economic growth and development in Ghana.

"The goal is to achieve poultry meat source efficiency within the next four years, reducing the country's reliance on imports and saving millions of dollars. To achieve this, the government is implementing various programs to support poultry farmers, including providing credit support schemes and reducing the cost of bird feed".

Emphasizing the government's commitment to supporting the local industry, he highlighted the promotion of poultry production to achieve food security and economic growth.

Speaking on the idea of declaring or considering Ghana Poultry Day as a holiday, Alhaji Hardi Tufeiru said it would require further discussion on the floor of parliament.

He therefore commended the Agrihouse Foundation for its support in the sector for all these years.

The fourth edition of Ghana Poultry Day, organized by Agrihouse and supported by various sponsors, aims to raise awareness about the need to increase local poultry production and consumption; Currently, there is a significant deficit between local production and consumption, with a substantial reliance on imports.


Hon. Zenator Agyeman Rawlings, the MP for Korle Klottey who was Executive Chef Judge at the event, noted that in order to promote food security and agribusiness, the government must implement policies that make local poultry production more competitive.

She said by making local poultry production cost-effective and promoting agribusiness, Ghana can reduce its reliance on imports and enhance food security.

Moreover, she emphasized that support systems and creative opportunities must be put in place to attract youth to the agribusiness sector.

"The participation of deputy ministers and students from four schools in the event highlights the importance of awareness and career options in the industry".

Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, noted that the Ghana Poultry Day initiative aims to create an atmosphere of advocacy for consuming local chicken to drive investments and attract investors to the poultry sector.

She said, it's high time, Ghanaians ate local chicken more often.

"I remember we used to eat chicken during Christmas but we have to encourage ourselves to do more not once a year," she said.

While the organizers request the government to declare July 1 a national holiday, they aim to establish July 1 as a recognized Ghana Poultry Day, promoting awareness and education about the industry's opportunities.

The event's consistent growth over four years is a testament to its success, with government officials, ministers, and parliamentarians in attendance.

Again the event brings together diverse groups of people, including international communities, queen mothers, Members of Parliament, students, and stakeholders for discussions and participated in a cooking competition to promote the industry and celebrate its potential.

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Started: 02-07-2024 | Ends: 31-10-2024
