Tue, 02 Jul 2024 Feature Article

Are cross-spectrum extremist politicians weaponizing US Congressional Committees?

Are cross-spectrum extremist politicians weaponizing US Congressional Committees?

Dear critical-reader, the question to ponder over is: Are cross-spectrum extremist politicians weaponising US Congressional Committees to be kicked around conveniently as point scoring tribal-politricks-football?

An example of the toxic miasma of cross-spectrum extremist tribal politricks, which is now enveloping the land of the free, slowly poisoning and weakening American constitutional democracy in relentless fashion, is the disgraceful and shabby attempt by U. S. Congressional acolytes and enablers of an amoral and characterless former President (America's wannabe absolute ruler in waiting, His Imperial Majesty, MAGA Emperor Trump 1, who is the West's Russian Useful-Idiot-in-Chief, beholden to, and in hock with, Russian intelligence), to engage in what is a classic example of the ruinous weaponisation of a U.S. Congressional committee:

That outrageous abomination, is the attempt by the US Congress House of Representatives' Judicial Committee, led by U. S. Congress Representative, Hon. Jim Jordan, to criminalise Mark Zwonitzer, President Joe Biden's ghostwriter, by passing a resolution holding him in contempt of Congress, after he failed to turn over audio tapes and notes from his interviews with President Biden, lol.

The question that fairminded, apolitical independent-thinkers across America, the known world's dominant economic power, and humankind's mightiest ever military power, which is also a global force for good, ought to ponder over is: Isn't former President Trump too claiming executive privilege for doing same, lol? Madness.

Whatever be the case, dear critical-reader, it is crucial that America's political landscape's cross-spectrum extremist politicians, are not be allowed by voters to weaponise U.S. Congressional Committees, to kick around as point scoring, nation-wrecking tribal-politricks-football, in a dangerous world that America must confront in unison - if it is to continue to remain humankind's dominant economic power and its most powerful global military superpower that is also a force-for-good ameliorating suffering in disasters worldwide. Yooooooooooo. A word to the wise...

Which team do you think has the higher chance of winning the 2024 elections?

Started: 02-07-2024 | Ends: 31-10-2024
