Sun, 30 Jun 2024 Feature Article

Nana Frema Busia: Climate Fury: A call of justice

Nana Frema Busia: Climate Fury: A call of justice

Nature's fury is a quest for a just global jury
Can we not  climate change injury
I am so very perturbed
My sleep is utterly disturbed
I write an unrehearsed verse
fluid, without reserve

You are incontinent countries in continents
full of irresponsible adults
With "galamsey", mining, fossil fuel, forestry, water resource and industrial governance fault
Myriad pollution Is your residual cult
This is why you are in a consequential vault
Facing the horror of climate Revolt?

This matter is no small splatter
For cyclical 'COP zero' climate chatter
Clamour for solid cover
or you may not recover

You are no longer children for the rain
to go away so you can play financial games
It is time to step up and pay your due rates
Stop ozone layer depletion and the land raids
Curb extreme heat with rising sea waves
Avoid climate Rage
Hold_a_ Climate _ Peace_ Wake
Think through engulfing freezing cold haze
with serious haste
Stop the earth from foraging in a senseless  maze as though in a daze

Threatening rain responds to human treachery
not in trickles or drizzles
Pouring in elephants and lions, strong as iron
Howling Cyclones precede vicious rain
not contained in overrun drains
It is rain rain and torrid rain
with tolling  bells and whistles
As though in the days of Noah
with consummate power

Drenching rain bursts doors and windows
from under
Humans and vehicles are hurled asunder
Homes and trees uproot yonder
to make you wonder
You require an oar as though a rower
to go hide in a redemptive tower
You surely have need of a mental shower

Relentless booming thunder fast and fierce in ominous display
Lightening criss Cross vast dark skies in glittering array
Torrential  rain has its  Pounding way
in expansive space to a rapid pace
We are all trapped without Escape

This is no melodious lullaby to sing you to sleep
This is a resounding alarm to all your senses 
which keeps you awake
conscious of all your aches
This is a raid to make you weep 

Praying for climate dread to simply end?

Even as tempestuous rains taper
Foreboding ramblings in the distance
Remind an earth in shambles
that even more devastation
Hellish rain howling with relish
Knowing no discrimination
Flooding all nations
will return in an instant

Be Wise
Do not have a heart of ice
full of climate vice
There will be no earth with ore
to ration out to the nations
Floundering in deserving hostage stations
Self_ imposed nature's bondage
As we exit the living stage
Wrapped  in technical cages
claiming to be digital sages
This is no historic adage
or worthwhile heritage

Please reflect
Do not Deflect
Fondling hard cash
As conditions get harsh
All must indeed rush
The time to ACT
By eloquent deduction
With soulful contrition

I do not Intone a dirge
I am in a hope surge
A true truce search 
An earth in resurgence
Is what I urge

Dedicated to earth sanity and universal sanctity. June 28, 2024
Email: [email protected]
