
Yango, Guinness launch nationwide ‘’Don’t Drink and Drive’’ to tackle road carnages

  Thu, 27 Jun 2024
Social News Yango, Guinness launch nationwide ‘’Don’t Drink and Drive’’ to tackle road carnages

An international ride-hailing service Yango, a part of a global tech company Yango Group, has partnered with Guinness Ghana PLC to launch a new safety initiative aimed at preventing drunk driving accidents, promoting safe mobility and ensuring both drivers and passengers are safe at all times.

A continuous ‘’Don’t Drink and Drive Campaign’’ will include promotional events and activities to encourage responsible drinking habits by passengers and discourage drunk driving by partner drivers.


This includes in app notifications, regular training, out of home marketing campaigns and many advertisements.

The safety forum, which is a first step in the campaign, took place on Wednesday, June 26th 2024 at the Alisa Hotel in Accra and covered topics such as recognizing signs of impairment, strategies for preventing drunk driving, and how to use alternative transportation options such as ride-hailing services like Yango.


The training was provided by certified instructors and was available to all Yango partner drivers and passengers free of charge. This was attended by over 150 participants which cut across Yango’s partners, partner drivers, passengers and authorities from many safety organizations across the country.
