Sun, 23 Jun 2024 Feature Article

Ghanaians Trust Dr. Bawumia To Deliver As A President Of Ghana In 2025

Ghanaians Trust Dr. Bawumia To Deliver As A President Of Ghana In 2025

The Flagbearer and leader of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) *H. E. Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia* , in his quest to be elected as the next president of Ghana, has completed his tour of all the sixteen regions. It is obvious that Dr. Bawumia and his campaign team have been strategic in executing the possibilities agenda of transforming Ghana to an enviable country when given the mandate. It will not be out of place to conclude that the message is overwhelmingly being received by Ghanaians across the nation, evidenced by the recent regional campaign tour.

Prior to the 'The Bawumia For President 2024 campaign' regional tour, Dr. Bawumia in a grand style and admirably presented to the people of Ghana his vision that is anchored on bold solutions for the future of the nation. Many Ghanaians alluded to the fact that the solutions outlined by Dr. Bawumia are practical in nature and that it is possible to execute those solutions. Immediately after his speech, many technocrats, lecturers, among others bought into his ideas and described his proposals as game changing. An accounting and finance lecturer at the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA), Dr. Eric Boachie Yiadom said among others about the vision of Dr. Bawumia that "That is why I say, the speech given by the Vice President is charting a new course and repositioning Ghana towards the fight against corruption.” A friend indicated to me that, a medical doctor after listening to Dr. Bawumia's speech walked to him and told him that "your man has convinced me".

These attestations were confirmed by the General Secretary of the Trade Union Congress (TUC), Dr. Anthony Yaw Baah when Dr Bawumia took the initiative to meet union leaders. He fully bought into the possibilities agenda of Dr Bawumia. He indicated that "Ideas, systems, and institutions are ingredients for transforming a country. Let me maintain that Dr. Bawumia's ‘It is Possible' campaign message is a very positive message and very important for Ghana" It is indeed possible.

The ideas championed by Dr. Bawumia to propel Ghana to the desired destination were fully ascribed to by the President of the Volta Regional House of Chiefs when Dr. Bawumia met the chiefs and queen mothers in Ho. Togbe Hodo IV, the Paramount Chief of Anfoega Traditional Area and president of the house implored the house to consider Ghana's future without partisanship and embrace Dr. Bawumia's progressive ideas for Ghana. He said among others about Dr. Bawumia's ideas for Ghana that "These progressive ideas ought to bear fruit for this nation," Yeji Manhene, Pimapem Yaw Kabrese V also had this to say about Dr. Bawumia "Dr. Bawumia, you are a man of vision and have made positive impacts on the youth"

Our revered chiefs and kings emphatically expressed their confidence in Dr. Bawumia to deliver when given the nod by Ghanaians. Otumfo Osei Tutu II, the King of the Asante Kingdom did not hesitate to say that "I know you can do the job if Ghanaians vote for you.” What a vote of confidence for Dr. Bawumia by the respected King! The King of Mamprugu Kingdom, The Nayiri, Naa Bohagu Abdulai Mahami Sheriga II believes in his son's ability to deliver as a president as well. The Nayiri told his son (Dr. Bawumia) that "I am deeply persuaded you can make Ghana greater". The King of the Gonjaland, Yagbonwura Soale I who considered Dr. Bawumia as his son, also welcomed him and granted his full blessings to him to succeed. He said "You are my son, Dr. Bawumia and consider yourself as a son of Gonjaland. May your dreams be fulfilled."

Dr. Bawumia's humbleness was also noticed by the revered chiefs and kings on his tour. Otumfo Osei Tutu II was excited to praise Dr. Bawumia for his humility and respect despite being elevated to the status of a Vice President of Ghana. The Asantehene told Dr. Bawumia that “I have known you, political power has not changed you, you are still humble, keep being humble. Continue to treat Ghanains with respect and humility and explain to them what you want to do for them".

Dr. Bawumia's humility and respect have attracted the love of many people across the country. This was brought to bare when he met the Ashanti Regional House of Chiefs in Kumasi. Daasebre Osei Bonsu II, Occupant of the Silver Stool of Asanteman had this to tell Dr. Bawumia "You are the first dignitary and non member of Asanteman to visit the Ashanti Regional House of Chiefs and to have our queen mothers seated before 9:00AM, that shows how we hold you in high esteem and we are delighted to have you"

At his recent regional campaign tour, he also met with the youth across the country. Dr. Bawumia met with high enthusiastic and euphoric youth who believe in him to propel Ghana to the next level. Both Christians and Islamic leaders alike, he met, praised him for his bold policies and fervently prayed for him to win the election and lead Ghana in 2025.

Dr Bawumia's bold solutions for the future of Ghana are being bought across the country by well meaning Ghanaians. The alternative is not an alternative. It is empty, scary and dangerous. This is evidenced by their poor attempt to explain a slogan, turned policy by force to Ghanaians. Their 24Hr Economy mantra has become a scarecrow to them in that they now blame their inability to explain it to Ghanaians on NPP. Anyway, let's deal with the recent explanation by Dr. Atta Owusu for now. “The 24-hour economy will help Ghana rear lions and elephants and export them for dollars.” - Dr. William Atta Owusu, NDC National Communications Member. Really!

Bawumia For President 2024, It Is Possible, In Shaa Allah

By Alhaji Salifu Hadara
A Patriot
Nalerigu/Gambaga Constituency
North East Region
[email protected]
